What Do Mothers Want?

Written by Dr. Dorree Lynn


I had a mom, I am a mom and two of my daughters are moms. I loved mother’s day. It was a wonderful contest ---which mom could callrepparttar other first. Gifts galore and allrepparttar 111646 love expressed was wonderful. But, that’s only one day. What do mom’s really need and wantrepparttar 111647 rest ofrepparttar 111648 time?

1. Family love and respect and help inrepparttar 111649 kitchen, make your own bed and take outrepparttar 111650 trash without being asked.

2. An unexpected hug and “I love you mom.”

3. Peace and quiet every once in a while.

4. Good child care for those who work.

5. Adequate health coverage for her family.

Love At Home

Written by Rhoberta Shaler, PhD

It's Valentine's Day. This day focused on expressions of love can be wonderful. Unexpected flowers arrive. Gold embossed boxes of delicious chocolates are given. Cute stuffed animals proclaiming love are exchanged. Great start! A good beginning. The important question, though, is: "Do you demonstrate your love every other day?" Unless you do, Valentine's Day is just another 'Hallmark Holiday'.

Inrepparttar U.S. and Canada, I've noticed an interesting phenomenon. I did not have to look very far or very hard, either. Maybe you've noticed it where you are.

It's simple. Folks seem to treatrepparttar 111645 people they interact with outsiderepparttar 111646 home a little better than they often treatrepparttar 111647 folks they say they loverepparttar 111648 most at home. Isn't this curious?

People will say or do things at home that they would not do in public. They leave their manners outside their doors. They forget that 'please' and 'thank you', used freely, make life much simpler. Recently I was giving a parenting workshop at a college. There were fifteen couples inrepparttar 111649 room and I asked them what they thought wererepparttar 111650 greatest lessons they were teaching their children. Many good answers came forth. Then, I told them that with every look, word and action, they were teaching their children how to treat a partner. Oooh! There were some pained expressions in that room.

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