What Are You Fishing With? Lure, Bait and Gear

Written by Catherine Franz

A 10-step exercise for services professionals to evaluate clients...

Fly fishing -- it doesn't work, does it? When I first watched someone fly-fishing, they releasedrepparttar line and fling it far out intorepparttar 120324 water. No sooner hadrepparttar 120325 fly hitrepparttar 120326 water was it being reeled back in. Even today, I still don't understand how this method catches any fish. Yet it does. The results had an opportunity to occur because repparttar 120327 line was pitched.

Fly fishing looks like so much more work compared torepparttar 120328 worm, bobber, sitting on a camp chair, day dreaming, an occasional inconsequential conversation, sipping on a beer (okay root beer for family friendliness), relaxing and waiting forrepparttar 120329 bite. The energy is more comfortable yetrepparttar 120330 results less active -- maybe, maybe not.

If you talk to a fly-fisherman, they claim there isn't anything better. Andrepparttar 120331 same is uttered from a by-the-seat- of-the-pants fisherman as well (cute description huh?).

Doesn't this sound like one marketing pitted againstrepparttar 120332 other.

What makesrepparttar 120333 two different? Technique? Yes. Water type -- salt or fresh? Yes. Type of fish? Yes. Equipment? Yes. Supplies? Yes. Or is itrepparttar 120334 bait? Yes.

The right answer is "all ofrepparttar 120335 above."

You can also throw inrepparttar 120336 temperature, weather, and time of day. Everything depends onrepparttar 120337 right combination inrepparttar 120338 right order. You don't want to toss outrepparttar 120339 fly beforerepparttar 120340 line. Well, I guess you can. But you miz-as-well kiss it goodbye.

Or as my Grandmother used to say: Don't throw outrepparttar 120341 bath water beforerepparttar 120342 bath.

Marketing is not any different than fishing. If you are tossing outrepparttar 120343 wrong hook torepparttar 120344 right fish, they are not going to bite. If you haverepparttar 120345 right fish and hook, andrepparttar 120346 wrong technique, maybe a prayer or two will work. The results might trickle now and then. Yet, notrepparttar 120347 results you need.

This is why marketing experts emphasizerepparttar 120348 importance of knowing your target market. If you don't know who you are trying to catch, you are forever going to be trying different lures, hooks and techniques. Eventually, wearing you down and keeping you chasingrepparttar 120349 next best thing to come along that just might work.

You can't catch flounder in fresh water or blue gill in salt.

Stop throwing outrepparttar 120350 fly withoutrepparttar 120351 line. Start knowing what bait they like to eat, what line spooks them, what is their timing for buying, and especially what type of fish.

Start with this exercise for service professionals:

Startrepparttar 120352 exercise by hand to getrepparttar 120353 "feel" of it. Then moverepparttar 120354 process into a spreadsheet to continue its growth and your clarity.

Step 1: Grab a blank sheet of paper. Turnrepparttar 120355 page sideways -- landscape.

Step 2: You are going to making many vertical columns so write small.

Onrepparttar 120356 left, createrepparttar 120357 first column. Recordrepparttar 120358 name of each one of your clients that you remember offrepparttar 120359 top of your head. Keep it simple and write justrepparttar 120360 name you remember. It could be just their first name, company name, or a nickname or label you privately gave them. Don't be kind be truthful.

Step 3: Second column, title it "M/F." You guessed it, "male or female." Now, proceed downrepparttar 120361 column and writerepparttar 120362 answer.

Online Marketing Through Newsletters

Written by Kim Bloomer

So you want to start publishing an online newsletter? Why? Because that’s what allrepparttar online marketing experts and gurus said to do. You’ve been told you’ll pull in lots of new customers if you just start publishing an online newsletter AND purchase their list magnet ebook. I am not going to tell you that because I know it’s not that simple. In fact, I’ll tell yourepparttar 120323 truth as I’m always compelled to do, and offer you an alternative while I’m at it.

First, publishing isrepparttar 120324 fun part. Writing and getting articles and finding resources to offer your subscribers really isrepparttar 120325 fun part of your online marketing campaign. However, then comesrepparttar 120326 part whererepparttar 120327 rubber meetsrepparttar 120328 road: sending that newsletter out to your subscribers. First, you’ll need a list to send your newsletter to. Second, you’ll need an auto responder for subscribers to make sure you’re in compliance withrepparttar 120329 “double opt-in/opt-out” so you won’t get in trouble with your ISP orrepparttar 120330 spam law. You’ll need to decide if you’re going to publish and send out your newsletter daily, weekly, or monthly and get it delivered when you say you will. This is justrepparttar 120331 basics. You’ll find it gets more complicated as you go on, especially legally. You’ll have many of your emails come back because they were “bounced” by these rigid new spam filters installed by our diligent ISPs to stop (yeah right) spammers. You’ll also have some of your new subscribers “forget” they subscribed and turn you in as spammer. Oh, what fun! So, what do you do? You want to publish; it’s a great way to establish your online marketing presence and also your credentials in your field of expertise. So, what do you do?

Well, I accidentally foundrepparttar 120332 solution and I’m going to share it with you. Before I started online marketing through email publishing, I was submitting articles I’d written to online article banks. That is another way to promote yourself in your online marketing campaign. While I was submitting an article to www.thephantomwriters.com, I noticed a banner there that mentioned a new way of publishing –without email, without spam, but WITH RSS technology. I knew what RSS was because I had been receiving different online newsletters for webmasters. I subscribed to those so I’d know what was going on inrepparttar 120333 world of technology just for my own knowledge. RSS is “really simple syndication”; well that’s one of its definitions anyway. The banner on The Phantom Writers site stated that Quikonnex hadrepparttar 120334 solution to our online marketing ezine dilemma. Good thing I went there, sawrepparttar 120335 writing onrepparttar 120336 wall, and tookrepparttar 120337 leap of faith! Whew! I almost maderepparttar 120338 email marketing error.

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