What's up with Unconditional Love?

Written by Sam Stevens

To tell yourepparttar truth, I'm a little disillusioned withrepparttar 130041 term unconditional love, lately. It's just not "natural". The phrase has been used for decades, by psychologists, therapists, A.A. types andrepparttar 130042 overall spiritually minded to describe how one should cope with impossible behavior." The original principle behindrepparttar 130043 concept, was to helprepparttar 130044 person who is being abused acceptrepparttar 130045 circumstances and not have to live in a perpetual state of resentment towards their partner. You, asrepparttar 130046 codependent (ierepparttar 130047 one who is always hurt) is supposed to see your partner as "sick" and not blame him or her for their actions. You're supposed to love and care forrepparttar 130048 adulterer, batterer, gambler, manic depressive or alcoholicrepparttar 130049 same way you would someone who hasrepparttar 130050 flu. Husband comes home drunk? Sober him up with cups of black coffee and a dose of your eternally burning, unconditional love. Boyfriend unfaithful? That's O.k., because you have unconditional love for him that will last for an eternity. Girlfriends rack up your credit cards again with her compulsive shopping? You'll take care ofrepparttar 130051 bills because you're love for her is undying and unconditional and you've told yourself ""I'll always love her no matter what ...."

Those of us who have been there know that we can only comfort ourselves withrepparttar 130052 concept of unconditional love for so long untilrepparttar 130053 relationship becomes too expensive, emotionally, socially and financially. This is often more serious thenrepparttar 130054 kind of consequences we pay when someone is sick with "the flu." Plus lately, after talking to many clients, many of whom are still paying in one way or another forrepparttar 130055 irresponsible behavior of a full grown adult, I am starting to conclude that whenrepparttar 130056 person withrepparttar 130057 "ism" or "recently diagnosed personality disorder" is on to us then out comesrepparttar 130058 term unconditional love. If we say no or object torepparttar 130059 behavior, he or she can always turn around and go "but I thought you said your love was me was

Cutting the Cord

Written by Sam Stevens

Sometimes, after a relationship has ended, many of us have problems letting go. A lot of my clients often complain of feeling haunted or even possessed byrepparttar dearly departed (who probably isn't even thinking of you at all and is busy happily running away with his or her new partner.) It's likerepparttar 130040 person has left an indelible imprint upon your heart and many of us feel that we can't go on untilrepparttar 130041 ex returns. The energy ofrepparttar 130042 ex might be manifesting itself in all sorts of ways --- in what you perceive to be little omens or reminders that occur in every day life (such as a phrase or song lyric) or even as a visitor in your dreams. There are all kinds of cures for this phenomenon, (everything from burning bundles of sage to clearrepparttar 130043 room ofrepparttar 130044 ex's vibe to throwing out every single reminder of him or her, includingrepparttar 130045 bed.) Yet before you ditchrepparttar 130046 Sealy Posturepedic, I suggest you try this little exercise called "Cutting The Cord." The idea behind this is that whenever we connect to someone we connect to him or her atrepparttar 130047 point of our solar plexus,repparttar 130048 area just below your diaphragm. When we first meet someone and fall in love, we spend a lot of time building up this energy which lightworkers say looks like a rope of light that connects two people. However, even after one person disappears,repparttar 130049 rope can still remain. Often,repparttar 130050 person who is left behind spends a lot of time fortifying that rope with his or her own psychic energy in an attempt to bringrepparttar 130051 person back. The ex can compare to a psychic vampire, who is gleefully sucking backrepparttar 130052 energy thatrepparttar 130053 dumped person is sending them. It doesn't even matter if you are sending them bad thoughts or resentment. That energy is often translated to them inrepparttar 130054 purest form of astral energy -- and they use it to transmute and feed their new relationship. So in order to prevent yourself being sucked dry byrepparttar 130055 psychic vampire, oops I meanrepparttar 130056 ex, I suggest you try this: Lie down onrepparttar 130057 bed, breathe deeply and become as relaxed as you can. Now picturerepparttar 130058 other person andrepparttar 130059 cord of light that you created when you thoughtrepparttar 130060 both of you would be connected for all eternity. Visualize that cord as best you can and examine it.

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