What's the Point?

Written by Joyce C. Lock

(Our Rebellious Teens)

Great Grandparent's Point - That'srepparttar way it was, back then. We didrepparttar 110582 best we knew how.

Grandparent's Point - You had it so much better than we did. I wasn't even aloud to date, without my mother present.

Parent's Point - We weren't aloud to go anywhere that didn't involve church and we gave you much more freedom than that.

Adult Child's Point - You didn't allow me to hang out with teens and go cruising. I felt like I was caged. Yet, I give my children choices wherein they can earn trust and freedom. I'mrepparttar 110583 good parent and they still rebel.

Teen's Point - Who cares about points?

It makes no difference if you arerepparttar 110584 perfect parent. Adults get no recognition for whatever part they did right. In fact, becauserepparttar 110585 teen feels controlled, they do not see that anyone else did anything right.

They want to stop being treated like a child (even if they are acting like one). They wantrepparttar 110586 freedom to make their own decisions and do not care that adults view their actions as mistakes. They want their chosen paths to be respected because it is their choice, just as we respect other adult's, without trying to fix them. After all, these teens are almost 18 and are tired of being treated as anything less.

Let’s Talk about Probate

Written by Jeffrey Broobin

Below is a discussion of how to handle probate.

First of all, what is probate? We’ve heard various things about probate and we are pretty sure that it deals with court matters that involve our property. We generally know that probate is something that happens after we die and it’s a negative experience because it is expensive and it takes a lot of time. True,repparttar two main problems with probate are that it can take up to a year to accomplish its own goals (not ours) and it is an expensive purchase of attorney advice and court costs when it may not be necessary at all.

In fact, it usually serves no real purpose except thatrepparttar 110581 attorneys who defend it claim that it controls fraud in dividing up property owned by a deceased person and that it handlesrepparttar 110582 claims of creditors fairly. Consider though, that inrepparttar 110583 usual case, there will probably be no major creditor claims andrepparttar 110584 property will go to a small group of family members.

This is what happens in probate. The attorney may make a couple of court appearances but most probablyrepparttar 110585 case will be handled by mail. Your attorney will charge you a fee for taking care of this (as high as 5% ofrepparttar 110586 estate), even though most probate cases do not require any special lawyerly skills like drafting of documents,repparttar 110587 ability to resolve conflicts or fight for you in court, or perform any extensive legal research, since usually there is no fight going on and thus no need for a court appearance. What is necessary isrepparttar 110588 filling out of forms and filing them atrepparttar 110589 right time, a job usually performed byrepparttar 110590 attorney’s secretary.

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