What's in a Listing? Do a Search of your Site or Ezine.

Written by Donna Sweat

Recently while doing a search for content to put in my ezine, I thought I might see just how many listings I had for my ezine,"Dee's Helpful Info." I typed my ezine name intorepparttar search bar and hit enter. I was amazed withrepparttar 128069 results. There were several hundred listings, many of which I had forgotten about. I began withrepparttar 128070 top listing,working my way thoughrepparttar 128071 huge list. Right away,I ran into problems.

1] I did not have Id's and passwords for some ofrepparttar 128072 listing updates.As a new entrepreneur months ago,I used Netscape 4.7,which had no ability to keep these important pieces of information.I recommend using Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher along with a great little companion,Gator! Both remember these tidbits of information for you.Gator will accept more than I user,and my children wouldn't be without him.You can downloadrepparttar 128073 most recent version at http://www.gator.com

2] Once I viewed my listing,I was shocked atrepparttar 128074 information listed. This really is old content,I thought. The summary: Update often! At least monthly and keep a list ofrepparttar 128075 sites you submit a listing to. I had not only increased subscribers by hundreds,but I also designed a new web site, and these listings sent everyone to a "non-existent" site! And to top this all off, my subscription address had also changed. I started out using Aureate Group Mail,progressed to listbot, got all settled in and listbot folds..so I moved on to Topica.The moral of this tip:If you make any important changes, UPDATE!

Promotional Content... It's the little things that count

Written by Edward B. Toupin

Promotional content isrepparttar invisible content inrepparttar 128068 various recesses of a Web page. This type of content is used by search engines and directories to properly categorize your site and its pages during indexing.

--- Site Title ---

The title isrepparttar 128069 first thing a search engine displays as a result of a search. This makes it imperative thatrepparttar 128070 title contains something readable and descriptive. Do not place a bunch of redundant terms in your title---make sure thatrepparttar 128071 title can be read as a sentence. Ifrepparttar 128072 reader cannot understandrepparttar 128073 meaning ofrepparttar 128074 title, then chances are they will not visit your site.

Once you create your page title, place it once withinrepparttar 128075 header ofrepparttar 128076 page usingrepparttar 128077 < itle> tags. Many marketers will place their title as many as five to ten times within<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128078"> header of their page! This is good in that your relevance increases from<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128079"> number of keywords; however, this repetitive approach is poor netiquette and is usually not accepted by most search engines.<p>--- META Tags ---<p>Meta Tags are information fields located in<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128080"> header of a Web page. These tags store information about your browser, keywords, site description, and authoring information. The two main Meta Tags are "description" and "keywords." The "description" tag contains a short description of your page while<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128081"> "keywords" tag contains a search keyword list for your page. These two Meta Tags are used by search engines to index your site and are critical elements of every Web page. When your site is indexed, users can enter search topics into<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128082"> search engine to locate your site based on these two tags.<p>The Meta Tags should look like this in<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128083"> <head> of your Web page:<p> <meta name="description" content="Information."> <meta name="keywords" content="Key,words,go,here"><p>To ensure<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128084"> proper indexing of your page, you will have to devise a content scheme that targets numerous types of search engines. Note that different search engines will index your site in different ways, depending on<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128085"> content. For instance,<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128086"> following list provides information on<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128087"> different ways that search engines can index your site:<p>* Some search engines look for an agreement between<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128088"> description, keyword, title, and body.<p>* Some search engines use only<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128089"> information located in<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128090"> first line of<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128091"> body of<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128092"> page.<p>* Some search engines use a combination of<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128093"> Meta Tags and<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128094"> body content to weight your page based upon consistency.<p>Obviously, you would want to maintain a consistent content and style throughout your page. It is important, however, to learn how<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128095"> different types of search engines work to have your page properly positioned in<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128096"> lists.<p>--- Hidden Form Fields ---<p>Once you've developed<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128097"> keywords for your site, you'll find that you still have over a dozen or so discarded phrases and words that are relevant to your page. Your Meta Tags are probably filled to<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128098"> maximum 255 character limit and that<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128099"> first line of your page body is a graphic and contains no pertinent text. Forcing any of these additional phrases and keywords into<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128100"> page can get you rejected from several search engines for "keyword stuffing," described below.<p>These types of dilemmas are quite common for many Web page developers, but<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128101"> solution is simple: a hidden form field. This form field is identical to every other form field (e.g. input fields, radio buttons, check boxes, etc.), however, it cannot be seen on<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128102"> page in a browser.<p>The hidden form fields go in<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128103"> body of<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128104"> Web page and look like<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128105"> following:<p> <form> <input type="hidden" value="Keyword,list,here"> </form><p>Many search engines will recognize hidden form fields and use<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128106"> information to index your site in<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128107"> same manner as they would standard text in<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128108"> body of your page. Some search engines ignore such fields, however, it is important to create pages that are acceptable across all search engines.<p>Hidden form fields can be used as<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128109"> first line of text in your Web page and should reside in your page before any other content. The reason for this placement is that most search engines will only use<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128110"> first 2,048 characters in a document. With hidden form fields, you can still get those extra keywords into your document without forfeiting space and layout.<p>--- Keywords ---<p>Keywords are one of<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128111"> more important elements of a Web page since they describe<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128112"> page to which they belong. The keywords that you select for your site must be relevant to<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128113"> page as well as frequently used within<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128114"> page's content.<p>Relevant keywords provide a better position in a search engine for your target market. For instance, if your site is specific to a new piece of financial software, it's important to stress<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128115"> keywords that best describe<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128116"> general and specific characteristics of<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128117"> software. If someone performs a search for "automobile" and your site appears, it's certain that you will get a few users. The problem is that these users will do you no good since they are interested in another topic.<p>Obviously, if you're selling some product that's important to a wide range of markets, then nearly any choice of keywords would be relevant to your site. The point is that you want to ensure that you're bringing in only those users that are interested in what your site has to offer. In this way, you are maximizing your marketing effort.<p>The following rules may not make sense immediately, however, by following them, you're sure to increase your search engine position as well as<IMG height=12 src="/the2.jpg" alt="repparttar 128118"> number of hits your site receives: <br><br></font></td><!-- google_ad_section_end --></tr><tr><td>Cont'd on page 2 ==<a class="mlink" href="2-What's_in_a_Listing_Do_a_Search_of_your_Site_or_Ezine_-28069.htm">></a></td></tr></table><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-5766870852072819"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; google_ad_format = "728x90_as"; google_ad_channel ="8831454965"; google_color_border = "CFB9A1"; google_color_bg = "CFB9A1"; google_color_link = "000000"; google_color_url = "431B02"; google_color_text = "431B02"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="770" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="48" align="center" background="images/bg_nav_bottm.jpg"><span class="style3">ImproveHomeLife.com © 2005<br> <a href="terms.html" rel="nofollow">Terms of Use</a></span></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> var HASH_ESCAPED="%23"; function TrackIt(adUnit){ if (window.status) { var adDomain = escape(window.status.substring(6)); var pyPage = document.location.pathname; var params = document.location.search; var hasAnchor = params.lastIndexOf(HASH_ESCAPED)!= -1; params = hasAnchor? 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