What's Your Purpose?

Written by Daniel N. Brown

Why are you onrepparttar earth?

Most people that I aim that question to, don’t have an answer for it.

I believe every one of us is here to do something special. It is our job to discover what that something is and fulfill it.

It has taken me many years of questions, trials, and errors to get my own purpose clear. Once I got clear about my life's purpose, I became clear about what I needed to do on a daily basis. I now feel confident that I am contributing to society before Jesus comes again.

Are You a Victim?

Written by Daniel N. Brown

Do you find yourself living from paycheck to paycheck? Do you often feel overwhelmed, tired, and worn out? Are you in debt? Is there no enjoyment in what you do?

Ifrepparttar answer to any four of these questions is a yes, then ask yourself a simple question. Why am I not living my dream?

I find that most people go through life, just enduring it. They become numb to their problems. Things are just uncomfortable enough to complain, but do nothing about. Joyce Meyer has a saying that says, "Complain, and remain." I don't know about you, but I did not want to remain in a dead end job, poor health, lousy marriage, endless bills, and everything else that wanted to steal my joy.

You might be like a lot of people that I have encountered that make excuses. All excuses arerepparttar 123047 same and one is no better that an another. Excuses are completely useless and only render you helpless.

Making excuses and casting blame only make us out to berepparttar 123048 victim. There is absolutely no power in playingrepparttar 123049 part ofrepparttar 123050 victim. I know! I've been there and done that. And no one could beat me atrepparttar 123051 blame game. I wasrepparttar 123052 blaming king! I was a victim. Why did life deal me such a poor hand? Why does everyone else always getrepparttar 123053 breaks? If it wasn't for you I could be successful. Even at one point, I went so far to say that someone put a curse on me.

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