What's So Great About Slow Cooking Anyway?

Written by Sherry Frewerd

As I walked throughrepparttar grocery store aisles a few weeks ago, I noticedrepparttar 140303 increase in prepackaged slow cooker meals. I’ve been using my slow cooker and reapingrepparttar 140304 rewards for years, so it was no real surprise to me when others started proclaimingrepparttar 140305 benefits of cooking with a crock pot. Why did it takerepparttar 140306 rest ofrepparttar 140307 country so long to catch up? With this increase in popularity, I’ve recently been asked by a few ‘newbies’ ‘What’s so great about slow cooking anyway?’

That’s an easy question to answer even if all you’ve ever done is make chicken stew with your slow cooker. It’s just so dang simple andrepparttar 140308 food tastes better when cooked slowly and evenly in a crock pot.

I’m a work at home mom. I operate a Family Child Care and also have a busy online business, both of which keep me going all day long. That on top of my daughter’s activities andrepparttar 140309 in and out nature of my husband’s business, we’re usually searching for time to sit down and eat, especially eating together as a family. There’s whererepparttar 140310 slow cooker comes in handy. I have tons of slow cooker recipes, and can find just about anything to cook that my kids and picky husband will like to eat.

Since I work at home, havingrepparttar 140311 kitchen stay a comfortable temperature is a must, as I spend quite a bit of time there preparing meals and snacks for my day care kids. I use my crock pot year round, and love its usefulness duringrepparttar 140312 warm weather months when I can fixrepparttar 140313 beginnings ofrepparttar 140314 meal inrepparttar 140315 morning when I’ve got other ‘stuff’ out onrepparttar 140316 counter anyway, put it all inrepparttar 140317 pot, and then clean uprepparttar 140318 whole mess when I’m done. The crock pot requires very little clean up itself, so there you have yet another major reason for why slow cooking is so great.

Royal Rhubarb Pie (With Easy No-Roll Pie Crust)

Written by LeAnn R. Ralph

Filling: *2 tablespoons water *4 cups rhubarb (cut up) *2 cups sugar *3 tablespoons cornstarch *a pinch of salt *1/4 cup milk (cream, or Half & Half)

Note: If you're usingrepparttar 'old-fashioned' rhubarb withrepparttar 140297 greenish stalks, add several drops of food coloring. If you're usingrepparttar 140298 Canadian Red rhubarb, there's no need for food coloring.

Make pie crust (see below) and bakerepparttar 140299 bottom shell at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

Whilerepparttar 140300 pie shell is baking, put rhubarb, 1 3/4 cups sugar and 2 tablespoons of water into a saucepan and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from burner.

Mix 1/4 cup sugar with 3 tablespoons cornstarch and stir intorepparttar 140301 hot rhubarb mixture. Add milk (cream or Half & Half). Cook until thick.

Pour filling intorepparttar 140302 baked pie shell. Add crumble crust. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes until crust is lightly browned. Allow to cool thoroughly before cutting.

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