What's In Your Closet?

Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Skeletons inrepparttar closet - we all have them and many of us desperately try to push them further intorepparttar 123859 dark realms of some tiny room set aside for storage and unused items that are no longer necessary, or that we are not ready to throw away. There they hang - ready to jump out at any unsuspicious person who opensrepparttar 123860 door and dares to peek in. Hanging around is what they do best, but really, they have no other purpose. You have to feel sorry for them. They are lonely, unwanted, and very unpopular.

There isn’t a person inrepparttar 123861 entire universe that doesn’t have a skeleton or two that they wish would just go away. These collections of loose bones just stay there - we know they’re there but we don’t want anyone else to know. So, what do you do with these skeletons? They take up precious room and they are of no use. You certainly can’t use them as a decorative accent in your life because they are a reminder of some previous error, omission, or just downright mistake. You are not proud of them, but you just can’t bear to dispose of them either.

The best thing to do for both you andrepparttar 123862 skeletons are to take them out ofrepparttar 123863 closet, set them in a chair right next to you and face each other. When you can do that, begin to dismantle them bone by bone and throw them away. You will then be onrepparttar 123864 road to feeling better about yourself andrepparttar 123865 world around you. Skeletons will never be a part of today orrepparttar 123866 future. They are definitely relegated to be “the past.” They have no worthwhile function except to get heavier and heavier with each passing day. These “bags of bones” will never get any better looking, and they surely will never make you proud. Until you can haul them out of those closets, benefit fromrepparttar 123867 experience and lessons they did help you learn, dispose of them as quickly as you can. Don’t look back, and by all means, don’t feel sorry for them as they go torepparttar 123868 refuse pile to be carted away forever. They are not a part of you as you are today. They were created by a today that turned into a yesterday. The bridge to tomorrow will never be available to them but you can most assuredly cross it whenever you please.

The Sound of Success

Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Successful people are everywhere. They are inrepparttar newspapers, on television programs, and are being interviewed and their words written down by reporters for all kinds of magazines and journals.

But, how do we know if these “successful” people are really telling usrepparttar 123858 truth or giving us advice that we can follow and learn from? Watch these people very closely - if they appear apprehensive and ill at ease, that just may be an indication that they are uncomfortable in public situations or it may clue us in onrepparttar 123859 fact that there may not be any concrete or actual facts to back up what they are saying.

Real successful people appear relaxed and have one point in common. They haverepparttar 123860 sound of success. Its not in their “actual” words, butrepparttar 123861 way they talk and react. The sound of success is laughter, enjoyment, and being at ease as well as putting others at ease. They are not afraid ofrepparttar 123862 type of impression they are portraying, because they are real. They are not “putting on an act”, they are just being themselves. They shake your hand confidently, and sincerely. They walk with an air of confidence that only comes naturally when you are happy and content onrepparttar 123863 inside as well as out. They have accomplished what they have set out to do, and they haverepparttar 123864 right to be proud and happy.

Not all successful people will make headline news and be interviewed by major television stations and talk-show hosts. They don’t need this type of exposure to enjoy what they have achieved. All truly successful people are willing to share their insight and knowledge so that others may reach their goals and their pinnacles of ability. Successful people can find joy in simple things andrepparttar 123865 sound of their laughter is not a mimicking type of facade, but a down-to-earth real-time sound that tells everyone around them that life is good and enjoyable.

Successful individuals take their goals and their strengths and weaknesses very seriously. They can, however, laugh at themselves, but they will never crossrepparttar 123866 line to ridicule or belittle another. They are true giants in whatever they pursue and undertake. These people face problems and look for solutions. There is no mountain that they feel cannot be ventured over and each morning brings fresh, new opportunities.

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