What's In It For Me

Written by Bob Osgoodby

What's In It For Me by Bob Osgoodby

We've all heardrepparttar term "sellrepparttar 105052 sizzle, notrepparttar 105053 steak". Well, if you're selling anything, you had better pay attention torepparttar 105054 "sizzle". In today's market, your potential prospects have one thing in mind. "What's in it for me", and if you're into sales, you must realize this. Whilerepparttar 105055 "nuts and bolts" of your product or offer are important, that is not normally what gets someone's initial interest and makesrepparttar 105056 sale.

People don't buy products or services. They buy benefits. If you are selling an opportunity, people want to know realistically how much they can make. Promises of hundreds of thousands of dollars a month will usually fall on deaf ears. Why, because it is not realistic. You do have to point uprepparttar 105057 benefits someone will receive however, but if you make outlandish claims, they will simply "click away".

Let me digress - years ago I was running a data processing center and we were only running limited applications. We then had a job added to our responsibilities, which resulted in about three additional days of work, for three people once a month. Not havingrepparttar 105058 staff to do this job, in addition to our daily work, we had to hire temporary help.

A look back - we were dealing with "punched card technology" then, you know - likerepparttar 105059 "hanging chad" problem in Florida duringrepparttar 105060 last presidential election. While we didn't have that problem, we were dealing withrepparttar 105061 same technology. We were having pressure put on us to add even more applications, and it just wasn't possible withrepparttar 105062 constraints of our current hardware and staff.

We started to shop around for a computer, and a number of companies were contacted. One salesman extolledrepparttar 105063 virtues of his hardware, and we didn't have a clue as to what he was talking about.

Another salesperson didn't try to sell us onrepparttar 105064 hardware, andrepparttar 105065 "bits and bytes" involved. He said simply "you can dorepparttar 105066 job that is now taking three days withoutrepparttar 105067 "temp" help in about an hour". And, he continued, "you can do your daily work andrepparttar 105068 additional applications you want within your normal working day".

Who's in Control

Written by Bob Osgoodby

Are you in control of yourself; your destiny; your business? There are many warning signs that you might not be, but many times they go unheeded. To be in control of anything, you must first be in control of yourself.

If you are working from your home, it is easy to "lose control" and slip into bad habits. You must exerciserepparttar same discipline that would exist in an office, where you had to arrive at a certain time inrepparttar 105050 morning, and work a full day.

While you can basically start your day, and end it when you wish if you work from home, you must maintain some semblance of discipline. Simply being there for a certain number of hours is notrepparttar 105051 answer, if those hours are not productive. Butrepparttar 105052 beauty of working from home is that you do not have to have a regular schedule.

If your business is people oriented, you have to be available when your prospective clients are available to you. If it is product oriented, it really makes little difference when you work. Some people are morning people and achieve their best productivity then - so do it then. Others are "night owls" and that is their best time.

If you aren't in a situation where you have to be available during certain hours, pick whatever works best for you. A better way is to establish goals to meet. If you meet your goals each day, it doesn't matter when you accomplish them. Personally, I prefer to meet all of my daily goals inrepparttar 105053 morning when I'm fresh, and then, do what I wish forrepparttar 105054 rest ofrepparttar 105055 day.

You should establish your goals for each day. The best thing is to write them down, and print them out so you can review them. Always leave a bit of extra time forrepparttar 105056 unexpected. For example, you should first check your email inrepparttar 105057 morning to resolve any problems that might have "cropped up" overrepparttar 105058 night. Then, meet your goals established for that day.

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