Wellness Industry - 101

Written by Gillian Tarawhiti

What isrepparttar Wellness Industry?

Wellness is anything that makes you feel healthier, stronger, see better, hear better, feel better, or fight symptoms of ageing.

What isrepparttar 114110 Sickness Industry?

The sickness industry isrepparttar 114111 healthcare industry i.e. anything concerned with being sick and treating symptoms of sickness. The Sickness Industry has little to do with preventing illness, being stronger or healthier.

What is important aboutrepparttar 114112 Wellness Industry?

The Natural Marketing Institute (NMI), Managing Partner Steve French states, “Despite recent economic challenges, consumer spending last year inrepparttar 114113 health and wellness industry continued to rise. We project this trend to continue with sales reaching more than $73 billion in 2005.” The Consumer Confidence Board corroborated this outlook when it reported that 2004 saw an increased economic expansion and job growth with an even more favourable outlook in 2005.

Segment 2001 (Billions)2003(Billions)2004(Billions)Growthvs.20034 YEAR CAG* Functional and fortified foods & beverages$18.4$21.8$23.47%8.3% Vitamin, minerals, herbal & dietary supplements$17.1$17.9$19.06%3.6% Natural foods and beverages$9.6$10.8$11.34%5.6% Organic foods and beverages$7.6$9.2$10.918%12.8% Personal care$2.4$3.5$4.014%18.6% TOTALS$55.1$63.2$68.68.5%7.6% This data will be published in March 2005 in NMI’s 2005 Health and Wellness Trends Report (HWTR). This comprehensive report contains more than 200 pages of data and analysesrepparttar 114114 consumer attitudes, behaviours, product usage, lifestyles and demographics surroundingrepparttar 114115 health and wellness arena. Specific category focus includes: natural, organic, functional, fortified foods and beverages; weight loss products; natural/organic personal care; sports nutrition; dietary supplements; health-related ingredients; Rx versus OTC versus foods and supplements in treatment and expanded analysis ofrepparttar 114116 top trends of 2005.

Monobrex - Monobrex

Written by Ratlif J

Monobrex is a safe, all-natural blend of herbs and vitamins. Monobrex is uniquely designed to boost your immune system and cleanse your liver, aiding in your body' s attack againstrepparttar infection. It contains eucalyptus and peppermint which sooth a sore and swollen throat. Monobrex reduces swelling inrepparttar 114109 lymph nodes, includingrepparttar 114110 spleen, which filters blood by detecting and attacking foreign substances inrepparttar 114111 blood, before it reachesrepparttar 114112 liver. Monobrex is an botanical blend proven to support spleen and liver function and boost your immune system so that infections can be attacked and destroyed quickly, and you can get back to your life again.

Monobrex will not cure you of mono there is no cure for mono because it is a viral infection. It will stay dormant in your blood forrepparttar 114113 rest of your lifetime. Once you have had mono, it is uncommon to have a relapse.

However, if you have not fully recovered from mono and try to get back to a normal regime you could be endangering yourself. There are numerous cases reported of people who did not fully recover from mono because they tried to get back to their normal life too soon and they have acquired a socially, financially and even physically debilitating condition—Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Monobrex is powerful. It is a safe and effective way to get relief from sore throat and infections caused by mono after it has weakened your immune system. Many doctors have prescribed patients steroids to relieve them of strep and sinus infections, and other symptoms that might accompany mono. While this may take care ofrepparttar 114114 immediate problem, steroids have been known to have serious side effects such as weight gain, acne, joint distress, mood changes, and more. Monobrex is completely all-natural, a safe blend of botanical extracts and vitamins that naturally assist your body in fighting infection. The only side affect is a quick recovery!

Learn more about Monobrex You know how it works Monobrex gives your immune system a super-charge. Here' s why it works:

Monobrex is a powerful combination of 20 all-natural ingredients that are essential to making it effective in boosting your immune system. But what exactly is your immune system? It is fairly complex. Your immune system is a method of defense that your body has developed using specific organs which perform a series of complex, sometimes life-saving actions.

Your spleen is crucial to this system. It is essentially a really large lymph node. The lymph nodes, specificallyrepparttar 114115 spleen, filter blood forrepparttar 114116 rest ofrepparttar 114117 body. When there is an infection, these nodes and organs swell. This is for two reasons: (1) The increase of white bloods cells to fight off infection and (2)repparttar 114118 increase of antibodies which "study"repparttar 114119 infection so that if it is ever present again in your blood your body is equipped to fight it. They also attack and destroy infections. Mono is considered a systemic infection which means it is present throughoutrepparttar 114120 whole body, not just in one location. For this reason your spleen is involved, not justrepparttar 114121 lymph nodes you may be familiar with in your neck or armpits.

Your spleen filters blood before it reachesrepparttar 114122 liver which performs many ofrepparttar 114123 same purifying actions thatrepparttar 114124 spleen does. When your body is overrun with infection, as isrepparttar 114125 case with mono, your spleen and liver must work incredibly hard to defendrepparttar 114126 body and filterrepparttar 114127 blood. This is why a pain onrepparttar 114128 left side of your abdomen is common during mono - that' s your swollen spleen. This is also why it can take so long to get better from mono. There is a lot of infection for your body to fight.

Your liver is working hard atrepparttar 114129 same time to filter and purify your blood and other bodily fluids. It is easy for your lymphatic system to be flooded. The more you try to keep up with daily life while infected with mono,repparttar 114130 less energy your body has to fightrepparttar 114131 infection. This causes you to experiencerepparttar 114132 symptoms of mono for weeks and sometimes months.

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