Recently facilitator in my classroom discussion group asked each person to describe three greatest problems that troubled them. As we did this we became so depressed that we could not complete assignment. We found that most of us were familiar, too familiar, with these troubles so sharing them made life increasingly disheartening. We concluded that source of our suffering is corruption found in contemporary society. It touches everything. As we considered source of our corruption one participant offered: "Aren?t we like a frog living at bottom of a well and thinking that sky is a plate?"
We acknowledged that although frog?s error in judgement about sky brings little harm to frog, contemporary people believing sky was a plate would obviously corrupt our thinking along with our relationships with world and each other: - Our explanation for where water and air came from would be wrong. - The value of wind, landscape and ocean would be unknown. - Thoughts of Earth and Nature's beauty might be considered insane. - We would hold a corrupt view of how world worked and would relate to each other accordingly. - Our life goal might be to train slaves to be strong enough to throw garbage out of well so slave owners could live better. Some group members said that sounded too familiar for comfort.
I share frog metaphor here because it pertains. There is a similar but very real and destructive corruption in our culture. It erodes our every potential. It produces our justified lack of trust in our institutions and each other.
Fortunately there is an antidote for this corruption. A readily available process now exists that enables anybody to reverse polluted thinking that contaminates most relationships today. Our presently deteriorating situation will vastly improve if some open-minded "frogs" simply support process and its use. Is that something you might be willing to do?
An article: "Found: Nature's Hidden Voice?Good or Evil?" describes Process and is posted on internet. Many of us have witnessed validity of unique anti-corruption tools Process offers. We personally experience and teach Process and know its beneficial effects. We have observed its contribution to correcting deteriorated individuals, relationships and natural areas. We have documented that this process helps people reduce a wide range of personal, social and environmental disorders.