Welcome to my stress-free world

Written by David Leonhardt

Welcome to my stress-free world By David Leonhardt

Whatrepparttar world needs more of is...stress.

Sadly, I must deliver a formal apology to all 17,124 subscribers to my newsletter, A Daily Dose of Happiness, for running a series on stress reduction tips and wasting their time in such a frivolous fashion, when they could be using that time to watchrepparttar 129715 all-oatmeal channel, polish their medicine cabinet shelves or mowrepparttar 129716 shag rug.

I've noticed lately thatrepparttar 129717 world is undergoing a severe stress shortage. Consider a few facts.

The US election is showcasing two perfect human beings, courageous leaders, generous to a fault, humble and eager to work with one another to create a heaven on earth...and in Iraq (Where else would one find Heaven?).

The European Union is proving to berepparttar 129718 very model of cooperation as France eagerly removesrepparttar 129719 yolk of tax oppression, suggested by Poland, to cut its 0.02% unemployment even further.

Osama Bin Laden has issued an ultimatum, warning all terrorists that he will personally pour their choice of vanilla soda or egg nog on anyone thinking nasty thoughts.

And Hugh Hefner has been working tirelessly with young boys to help them understandrepparttar 129720 value of celibacy before marriage.

That's justrepparttar 129721 world. I have noticed around my own home that 3-year-old Little Lady gets dressed all by herself, and so does Little Sister.

Lately, I have been able to find everything I am looking for immediately, never having to look inrepparttar 129722 fridge for, say, my razor.

Nothing seems to break down anymore, (especially notrepparttar 129723 water pump,repparttar 129724 satellite TV signal,repparttar 129725 electric screwdriver,repparttar 129726 car battery,repparttar 129727 calking aroundrepparttar 129728 front window, or my nervous system). This computer just doesn't want to crash anymore.

And I just can't getrepparttar 129729 #@$&*% toast to burn anymore!

Best of all, my wife and I agree on everything, including how to raise our children, even what we would do if one of them in her teenage years declares herself to be an alien implant on Earth, sent on a search and destroy mission for all fast food onrepparttar 129730 planet. We even agree on whetherrepparttar 129731 cauliflower and broccoli should be overcooked or not (It should not!)

I'm always busy, but nothing much gets done!

Written by Charlie Badenhop

I decided to finally clean outrepparttar shed in our back yard recently. My wife leftrepparttar 129713 house early on a Saturday morning to run some errands and I knew that my cleaningrepparttar 129714 shed would please her greatly.

Onrepparttar 129715 way outrepparttar 129716 door to fulfill my noble task, I take a quick look atrepparttar 129717 morning mail and notice a past due bill so I run upstairs to write a check.

Upon reaching forrepparttar 129718 checkbook, I see there is only one check left, so I call my mom in Georgia and ask her to send me more.

My mom tells me my uncle Fred is not doing well, and she makes me promise to give him a call, so I ring him as soon as I get offrepparttar 129719 phone with her.

He's happy to hear my voice, and reminds me that I still haven't sent any recent family pictures. When I get offrepparttar 129720 phone, I run downstairs, getrepparttar 129721 pictures, run back upstairs, and put them in an envelope.

I wake my computer up to get my uncle's address, andrepparttar 129722 phone rings. My neighbor's onrepparttar 129723 line asking me if I can move our bicycles so he can get a delivery. As I move our bikes I see another neighbor taking out their garbage, and realize I need to quickly dorepparttar 129724 same.

I run in forrepparttar 129725 garbage andrepparttar 129726 phone rings again. This time it's my daughter's piano teacher explainingrepparttar 129727 upcoming monthly teaching schedule.

Needless to say, byrepparttar 129728 time I get offrepparttar 129729 phone, I wind up just missingrepparttar 129730 garbage truck, and I slink back torepparttar 129731 house knowing my wife won't be pleased having to keeprepparttar 129732 garbage for another two days.

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