Welcome To MichiganWritten by Barbara Baker
Welcome to Northern Michigan, home of beautiful Grand Traverse Bay. We have an abundance of natural beauty in our area. Traverse City is known for it’s cherry and apple farming, locally produced vintage wines, clean white sandy beaches, and a culturally active community. The summer is reason why I live here. The water is clean and pure, you can see sandy bottom as far as you can walk. To me beach is my safe place in my heart and in my soul. When I need to escape pressures of everyday life I go to beach to listen to waves gently caressing waters edge. I love to see diamonds on water sparkling with glory as starts to set for evening. My herb garden is my safe place also. I can stroll though garden path and fill my senses with textures, and feel harmony of herbs and flowers with mother earth. My garden is a working garden. I sell cut herbs and flowers for summer bouquets. I harvest flowers to dry for my wreaths and arrangements. I am surrounded with a wealth of products in my garden. I make medicinal salves and oils from calendula flower which is known for its anti-viral properties, and can soothe a burn within seconds. This year I am going to produce tinctures from comfrey and our natural wild herb mullein for their powerful medicinal properties. I sell essential oils and fragrance oils as well. With these oils I make hand dipped incense sticks and my potpourri. I have developed thirteen blends or my own. After a lot of researching I have developed a recipe using carrier oils such as sweet almond oil, safflower, apricot, etc. for my body oils. The herbal blend soaks into your skin leaving no residue.
| | Black Walnut Trees Produce A Natural InsecticideWritten by Marilyn Pokorney
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