From my e book at IF ONLY YOU HAD KNOWN!
I didn’t have much time to pack my bags that day; matter of fact, I‘m still wearing same clothes I put on that morning .I met all three of them on way up here. They said they would hitch a ride, but they were not sure they would be welcome where I was going.
I thought it was unusual to learn how much they knew about me. Did I meet them at some restaurant my family and I went to? Did I see them at doctor’s office? I know, maybe it was at a bunko party or golf course? I just couldn’t put my finger on how I knew them until today.
It’s pretty nice here though—peaceful, always something to do, good conversation. However, I sure miss my family. I wish I didn’t have to leave them soon, but how would I have known?
The three of them said they warned me time and time again. How? When? Where? I wondered. I thought I read all right books and talked to right people. I even participated at times.
Lazy was probably one I got along with best during that short time we spent together. He was only transparent one of three. Others might have thought if they saw us together we were twins. We were so much alike.
The other two were much more reserved and timid. Don’t let those guys fool you. I learned quickly they were stubborn old boys with rough edges—two of biggest know-it-alls I had ever met. They called themselves Denial and Pride. And if you ever met them, I think you would agree they were named correctly.
As I crossed line, I will never forget what they said to me as we raised our hands to each other and waved goodbye, “If only you had known.”
The health of America is going to get worse before it gets better. Diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, heart disease—are all at epidemic levels. And for first time in history kids of today are projected not to live as long as there parents have. The only way for health of America to get better is for all of us to be personally responsible, change our attitudes toward exercise, and support one another in process.