Weight Loss Surgery: A Last Resort

Written by Jamie Clark

Thinking about weight loss surgery? You're not alone. Over two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. Many are looking for ways to lower their bodyweight and enjoy a healthier, more active lifestyle. A fast surgical procedure seems like a great option. But, forrepparttar vast majority of people, weight loss surgery should be a last resort.

One ofrepparttar 131264 most common types of weight loss surgery is liposuction, a procedure that removes excess fat fromrepparttar 131265 waistline. Thousands of people - mostly women - undergo liposuction surgery every year. For many, it appears to be a much easier alternative to diet and exercise. Yet recent studies show that removing abdominal fat with liposuction provides almost none ofrepparttar 131266 health benefits of "normal" weight loss: lowered levels of blood sugar, insulin and inflammation-related biomarkers, not to mention increased cardiovascular fitness, improved muscle tone, stronger bones, etc.

Another little-known problem with liposuction weight loss surgery: over 40% of patients regainrepparttar 131267 weight they lose fromrepparttar 131268 procedure. Why? Simply because they make no healthy lifestyle changes. Some even believe that they can exercise less and eat more now that they have fewer abdominal fat cells. Obviously this isn't true and thousands of people find that outrepparttar 131269 hard way.

Other types of weight loss surgery are designed forrepparttar 131270 severely obese - generally those people with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher. These surgeries, which include gastric bypass and various "banding" and "stapling" procedures, have helped many formerly-obese people enjoy a higher-quality of life. However, all of these operations involve a considerable amount of risk.

Low-Carb Diets: Are You Losing More than Weight?

Written by Monique N. Gilbert, B.Sc.

Low-Carb Diets: Are You Losing More than Weight?

by Monique N. Gilbert, B.Sc. http://www.MoniqueNGilbert.com

The average American eats about twice as much protein than what they require. Some people, inrepparttar pursuit of thinness, are going on low-carb diets and are eating up to four timesrepparttar 131263 protein their body needs. Protein deficiency is certainly not a problem in America. So exactly how much protein do you really need? Much less than you think. Protein is a vital nutrient, essential to your health. In its purest form, protein consists of chains of amino acids. There are 22 amino acids that combine to form different proteins, and 8 to 9 of these must come fromrepparttar 131264 foods we eat. Our body uses these amino acids to create muscles, blood, skin, hair, nails and internal organs. Proteins help replace and form new tissue, transports oxygen and nutrients in our blood and cells, regulatesrepparttar 131265 balance of water and acids, and is essential for making antibodies. However, too much of a good thing may not be so good for you. Many people are putting their health at risk by eating to much protein. Excessive protein consumption, particularly animal protein, can result in heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and kidney stones. As important as protein is for our body, there are many misconceptions about how much we really need in our diet, andrepparttar 131266 best way to obtain it. According torepparttar 131267 American Heart Association andrepparttar 131268 National Institutes of Health, as little as 50-60 grams of protein is enough for most adults. This breaks down to about 10-12% of total calories. Your body only needs 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. To calculaterepparttar 131269 exact amount you need, multiply your ideal weight by 0.36. This will give you your optimum daily protein requirement in grams. Sincerepparttar 131270 amount of protein needed depends on how much lean body mass you have, ideal weight is used instead of actual weight. Infants, children, pregnant and nursing women require more protein. People on low-carb diets are consuming up to 34% of their total calories inrepparttar 131271 form of protein and up to 53% of total calories from fat. Most of these people are unaware ofrepparttar 131272 amount of protein and fat that is contained inrepparttar 131273 foods they eat. For instance, a typical 3-ounce beef hamburger, which is small by American standards, contains about 22 grams of protein and 20 grams of fat. You achieve quick weight loss on these diets because of this high fat content. High fat foods give yourepparttar 131274 sensation of feeling full, faster, so you end up eating fewer total calories. However, this type of protein and fat combination is notrepparttar 131275 healthiest. Animal proteins are loaded with cholesterol and saturated fat. Many people on these diets also experience an elevation in their LDL (the bad) cholesterol when they remain on this diet for long periods. High levels of LDL cholesterol inrepparttar 131276 blood, clog arteries and isrepparttar 131277 chief culprit in heart disease, particularly heart attack and stroke. So while you may lose weight inrepparttar 131278 short-run, you are putting your cardiovascular health in jeopardy inrepparttar 131279 long-run.

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