Weight Loss - Attacking the Root of the Problem

Written by Randy Mclean

So many people these days are wondering aboutrepparttar most efficient way to keep their metabolism going and atrepparttar 115811 same time are looking for results that are permanent. The answer to this question is not that difficult as we will begin to examine.

To start off, most people associate aerobic activity with weight loss when they picturerepparttar 115812 exercise portion of a weight loss program. You know,repparttar 115813 classic fitness instructor in leggings leading out a fitness class, 'One and two...' While this view is not wrong it is only half ofrepparttar 115814 battle.

While aerobic activity does burn fat and spikesrepparttar 115815 metabolism that spike isn't permanent. You need some other way to keep your metabolic rate higher than average all ofrepparttar 115816 time. This way your body will burn calories more efficiently allowing you to eat more food and also burn more calories at rest. For this you need more lean muscle mass because fat does not burn calories. It just sits there.

The most efficient way to add more muscle mass to your body is through a light weight training program forrepparttar 115817 beginner or light calisthenics if you don't have weights of any kind. There are also other creative ideas for those who don't have weights or don't want to join a gym for some reason, whether it be finances or a lack of self-esteem.

As a note to any women who are wondering...no, you will not look like a bodybuilder. I can back this up with a number of reasons. 1. These women arerepparttar 115818 select few out of thousands who haverepparttar 115819 genetic potential to build themselves up to that point. 2. These women take advantage ofrepparttar 115820 genetics they have by spending hours a day inrepparttar 115821 gym training extremely hard. 3. Most ofrepparttar 115822 hardcore ladies are on muscle building drugs.

For those men and women who are busy and/or have better things to do (and who doesn't) three times a week should be sufficient. You could try Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday or possibly Monday, Wednesday and Friday, whichever is better for you. This way your body will receive sufficient rest between sessions.

Peanut Butter and Pizza - An Alternative to the High Protein Diet

Written by Randy Mclean

Didrepparttar title to this article catch your interest? I thought it would! As of late we are always hearing talk of two main approaches to dieting, namelyrepparttar 115810 high carbohydrate diet andrepparttar 115811 high protein diet. But what about fat? And what role can it play while we are losing weight?

Contrary to popular myths our bodies need fat. Now don't get me wrong. As I have mentioned in other articles too much of anything is bad but we can, and do, lean to one macronutrient over another. As well as breaking downrepparttar 115812 vitamins A, D, E, and K (fat soluble vitamins) we also need fat for energy purposes. Atrepparttar 115813 same time it would be wise to consume carbs and proteins as well. Any diet where either carbs, proteins or fats are significantly raised or lowered is not a healthy one. Our bodies need all of these in order to work properly. We can tend to lean more strongly towards one or another but we shouldn't forsakerepparttar 115814 rest. Each have their own functions as well as positives and negatives.

This diet would benefit those who have weak will power or who don't haverepparttar 115815 time or patience to prepare too many meals. It is good if you are only used to eating 3 times a day. This diet is also beneficial for eating out whether in restaurants, at relatives, or at parties and socials.

One characteristic of fat is that it makes you full longer therefore making you feel more satisfied. You will not have to eat as many times (in terms of real food) to keep your metabolism going and you will still feel okay. You can either use homemade 'shakes' or use food supplements in order to keeprepparttar 115816 number of times you take in calories constant. Taking in calories a minimum of four times daily will keep your metabolism going andrepparttar 115817 body will be less likely to storerepparttar 115818 food you take in as fat.

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