Weight-Loss-Review.com shares 7 Buyer Beware tips about "low-carb" foods.

Written by Michael Huddleston

With new year weight-loss resolutions in full swing, consumers are discovering new "low-carb" food choices onrepparttar grocery store counters. Micahel Huddleston, president/publisher of Weight-Loss-Review.com, a popular weight-loss site, is pleased to present these seven useful tips for "low-carb" foods.

Low-cab foods are spendy, trendy, and tricky. In fact, "low-carb" is not what it seems. Benefits these foods might offer for weight loss or nutrition are debatable, at best.

Hundreds of newly available "low-carb" foods may actually make weight loss more difficult. Dieters are falling intorepparttar 115372 trap of thinking that eating "low-carb" foods will automatically cause pounds to drop off.

1. You may conclude, logically enough, that a food lower in carbs is also lower in calories. If you replace carbohydrates with protein (that’srepparttar 115373 main change), you still have just as many calories, if not more.

2. You may also conclude that "low-carb" claims must be true and meaningful. In reality, labels are, essentially, misleading. The FDA has no definition of "low-carbohydrate" and has never approved any "low-carb" labels. Any food can be so labeled. Food companies – not nutrition experts or government sources – have generated terms like “net carb” or “effective carb” to promote new products.

3. These products often have nearly as many carbs as conventional products, however,repparttar 115374 labels disguise this fact with several tricks. Most often carbs, are actually seperated into two listings resulting in a lower "carbohydrate" number, labeled as "effective carbs" or "net impact carbs." Fiber, for instance, doesn’t affect blood sugarrepparttar 115375 way other carbs do, so "low-carb" manufacturers do not count it. If a food has 10 grams of carbs, but 6 grams are fiber,repparttar 115376 manufacturer simply subtractsrepparttar 115377 6 and claims only 4 "net impact" carbs.

Recharging Your Batteries

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Personal and Professional Development Coach

TIME: Late February DILEMMA: The Blahs

This is justrepparttar time of year to take a look at that reoccurring problem – how do you keeprepparttar 115371 passion alive? Because it’s February, you may be thinking of “romance” when I say “passion.” But I mean it in a larger sense. I’m talking aboutrepparttar 115372 energy that drives our lives.

This isrepparttar 115373 time of year when life may look like getting up, shaving, doingrepparttar 115374 laundry, feedingrepparttar 115375 dogs, and havingrepparttar 115376 same fights withrepparttar 115377 same people overrepparttar 115378 same things. It can be uninviting and uninspiring, a case of “been there, done that, and not too thrilled aboutrepparttar 115379 prospect of going there and doing it again.”

Whatever zap of energy we got fromrepparttar 115380 New Year and New Year’s Resolutions has likely worn off. If we’ve dropped our resolutions, there’s a letdown. If we’ve achieved them, there can also be a letdown. I think ofrepparttar 115381 woman who told me once, “I lostrepparttar 115382 30 lbs. and still my life isn’t perfect.”

It isn’t about life being perfect, it’s about life BEING. Let’s take a look at that. Whatrepparttar 115383 woman meant was that losing 30 lbs. made her look and feel better, and did a lot for her health, butrepparttar 115384 baby still cried,repparttar 115385 secretary still missedrepparttar 115386 deadline,repparttar 115387 traffic still piled up, she still didn’t like her mother-in-law,repparttar 115388 dishwasher still needed to be emptied, and she still was unable to streamline her projects at work she way she’d like to.

So how do we recharge our batteries when they’re running low? Here are some tips.


Putting out energy brings in energy, andrepparttar 115389 important thing is that this isn’t just physical. Work out MENTALLY by starting a new course, online or on-site. Continual learning throughout life is one ofrepparttar 115390 hallmarks of resilient people. Get in on this early and stay with it.

Work out EMOTIONALLY by takingrepparttar 115391 focus off yourself, and helping someone else. If you’ve gotrepparttar 115392 blahs and start focusing on that, you can dig yourself into a hole. If you turn outward, toward others, you’ll soon become interested inrepparttar 115393 world about you and that’s it’s own antidote.

Work out PHYSICALLY by adding to or “upping” your current workout schedule. Many people add pleasant walks this time of year, just to get outside more, to move about more, and to get more sunshine. If you don’t want to go outside, getrepparttar 115394 movement going inside.

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