Wedding Gifts: Fresh Choices for Today

Written by BNN

(BNN) Asrepparttar wedding season approches, couples prepare for their newlywed lives and households. Many look beyond traditional china, crystal and keepsakes for gifts they will use frequently in their new homes.

Following trends in fashion, a wide selection of informal, practical and useful gifts are well-suited to today's purposeful lifestyles.

Gifts now span many product categories. Camping and sporting equipment, outdoor grills, home and garden tools, kitchen accessories, and everyday dinnerware are especially appreciated now. Unusual and useful gifts for almost every lifestyle and category can be conveniently ordered online!

• Kitchen Essentials: Lillian Vernon’s stainless steel tools to handle chores from chopping and slicing to cooking and serving, then go intorepparttar 130843 dishwasher. 42-piece set $90 Krups coffee and espresso maker $99 at Crate&Barrel From IKEA, top-of-the-line SKÄRPT kitchen knife block. Set of 3 knives and a ceramic sharpener $70

• Outdoor Sports: Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI), pair of sleeping bags with opposite zipper configurations that zip together. Perfect for inseparable newlyweds! $129 each. Also, a tent for two! The award-winning Half Dome Plus three-season backpacking tent $159 all at

The Top 10 Holidays That Are Coming Up Besides Christmas and Thanksgiving

Written by Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach

Are you ready forrepparttar holidays? Who’s holidays are you ready for? If you’ve got global and multicultural clients and friends as I do, here’s a list to help you get it organized.

1.Eid al-Fitr (Muslim) – lunar, when new moon is sighted, so around November 25 depending upon location

Eid Al-Fitr, orrepparttar 130840 Celebration of Breakingrepparttar 130841 Fast, marksrepparttar 130842 end of Ramadan,repparttar 130843 month of fasting. Money is given torepparttar 130844 poor, and to children, and everyone gets a new set of clothing.

2. Saint Nicholas Day (Christian) -- December 6

Popular for centuries esp. in Northern Europe, celebrating Saint Nicholas, a 4th century bishop ofrepparttar 130845 city of Myra (in what is now Turkey), who was known for his kindness and generosity. Good children receive candies, cookies, apples and nuts, while naughty children receive switches or lumps of coal in their shoes.

3. Bodhi Day (Buddhists) – December 8

aka Rohatsu, celebratesrepparttar 130846 day in 596 BC whenrepparttar 130847 Buddha achieved enlightenment.

4. Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexican) -- December 12

One ofrepparttar 130848 most important dates onrepparttar 130849 Mexican calendar, dedicated torepparttar 130850 Mother of all Mexicans.

5. St. Lucia Day (Swedish) -- December 13

Each family awakens a young girl who dresses in a white robe with red ribbon aroundrepparttar 130851 waist, and wears a crown of candles on her head. She then brings breakfast torepparttar 130852 family -- sweet buns flavored with saffron. The boys (called star boys) wear long white shirts and pointed hats and help carryrepparttar 130853 sweets. What do you say? God Jul!

6. Hanukkah (Jewish) -- begins December 19

Known also as Festival of Lights, this 8-day, 2,000-year-old holiday celebrates God's glory, an ancient victory ofrepparttar 130854 Jews over their enemies, andrepparttar 130855 freedom Jews enjoy today.

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