Wedding Gift Dos and Don'ts

Written by Sher Matsen

When it comes to weddings, bothrepparttar bride & groom, andrepparttar 149918 guests worry about wedding gift etiquette. These do’s and don’ts will keep you onrepparttar 149919 right gift giving track!

I bet your wondering whererepparttar 149920 idea of wedding gifts originated? You’ll have to travel back torepparttar 149921 time when men no longer bartered for their wives. Withrepparttar 149922 tradition of choosing your bride, also camerepparttar 149923 tradition of friends and family bearing gifts. In those days articles were functional and useful additions torepparttar 149924 couple’s house, making their lives easier.

The Grecians were into presenting lush and lavish gifts. It was a big competition to see who could presentrepparttar 149925 most lavish gift. Brides and grooms were presented with precious jewelry, gold vases, magnificent clothing or furniture.

These days’ things have really changed. Wedding gift etiquette ofrepparttar 149926 past, simply does not work today. For couples who have been married before they already have allrepparttar 149927 household toys, so what is one to buy? Even if a couple has not been married before, most have run their own households so they still have everything they need. Many couples request no gifts. Some will ask for cash gifts, so they can putrepparttar 149928 funds towards a vacation, a house, or bigger ticket item. Is this okay? How big of wedding gift should one buy? It seems no matter what a person buys, they feel they’ve not spent enough, or boughtrepparttar 149929 wrong type of gift. Relax!! And go withrepparttar 149930 modern day flow!

The best thingrepparttar 149931 bride and groom can do for their guests, it to let them know what you are looking for. Funny, brides and grooms feel bad playingrepparttar 149932 “what they need” card, and guests are too uncomfortable to brocherepparttar 149933 subject for fear of offendingrepparttar 149934 bride and groom.

After The Engagement

Written by Sher Matsen

You've said I do. Now what? Your minds in a whir allrepparttar things you need to do to have that perfect wedding. You begin to panic everytime you think ofrepparttar 149917 planning ahead of you. Your mind is going a mile a minute with ideas and plans what to do when to do it, so many questions, so little time. First don’t get ahead of yourself. Before doing anything you should grab a pen and paper and follow these simple steps.

First you need to make a list ofrepparttar 149918 things you need to discuss with your fiancée. Don’t go any further until you’ve done this. Although you might be inclined to rush out and start planning. Remember this is his big day too, and he should have a say inrepparttar 149919 planning of it.

You’ll need to discuss: •the maximum amount your going to spend •How many people your going to invite •How you are going to finance your wedding •What type of wedding your going to have – big, small, formal, informal •How many people will be in your wedding party

You'll need to make some time to meet with both sets of parents to further discussrepparttar 149920 items above. You need to find out how much, if anyrepparttar 149921 parents will be able to contribute to your costs. You’ll need ask them to make a list of who they want to invite - get them to makerepparttar 149922 list from most important to least important, that way if you need to cut guests you know which ones to cut.

Next set your wedding date. Most wedding facilities advise booking 6 months to a year in advance. You’ll want to take into considerationrepparttar 149923 time of year you plan to get married, any holidays, vacations, or family events that might not work with your date. Once you’ve determined a date that works for your bridal party and family members, as well as yourself, you can move ahead. It never hurts to have a couple of date options

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