Website Promotion With Content Exchanges

Written by Jack Humphrey

Copyright 2005 Jack Humphrey

by Jack Humphrey

Ever hear about an idea that is so simple yet so powerful, you wonder why you hadn't thought of it before?

Here's one: Content Exchange

Instead ofrepparttar tired, increasingly ineffective reciprocal link exchange, webmasters are becoming very innovative in getting great links to their sites in other ways.

Everyone is concerned about, or should be, their site growing and changing over time. Search engines need to see updates to keep you ranked well. It is an ongoing battle to add new pages of good content you can rely on to keep your visitors clicking, joining, and buying.

Instead of simply asking for a bland link from a site's infrequently visited link directory, be bold and set up Content Exchanges with other sites in your niche!

What is a "Content Exchange?"

Simply, it is exchanging article and other content with another webmaster with a resource link atrepparttar 144177 bottom. Much like article syndication, but you are making one-to-one deals with other sites to swap whole pages of content, thereby building each others' sites whenever you write new articles.

Set up 10 exchanges with other sites and you have 10 new places every time you write an article to syndicate your content. Plus invaluable targeted incoming links.

To Make the Most Dollars, Make The Most Sense

Written by Michael Murray

Copyright 2005 Michael Murray

The world of Internet marketing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. In fact, it can be a brutally cold one. Believe me, I learnedrepparttar hard way.

I started trying to make money online when I was 14. Like today, there were a lot of scams out there, and being so young I was especially vulnerable. I wasted hundreds of dollars.

The weird thing was I was a pretty smart kid. I knewrepparttar 144150 value of a buck. But when I came online I didn’t think that “real world” rules applied.

All too often people come online and lose all sense of reality like I did. I see two types of people who fail online.

The first type of person thinks EVERYTHING online is a big scam. They don’t think they should have to pay for information in e-books or for tools they will need.

If you have to put money into your Internet business, it’s a definite scam. They also may be freebie seekers and try to suck all your time and knowledge away for free.

Don’t get me wrong. You should always have your “Scam Radar” up when you’re online. But let’s think about this logically. Can you startup an offline business without investing any money into it? Even a small family owned business requires some startup capital.

So why would an online business be any different? Starting up an online business is a lot cheaper than starting an offline one, butrepparttar 144151 same principles apply. This is what economics is all about. People make money by providing a product or service to their customers. It worksrepparttar 144152 same way online.

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