Website Promotion - The stakes are rising – and so is the cost.

Written by Tony Cooper

Overrepparttar past couple of months it has been quite noticeable thatrepparttar 128116 amount of time and effort that is going into website promotion is rapidly rising and therefore so isrepparttar 128117 associated cost of keeping ahead ofrepparttar 128118 competition.

More and more people are devoting more and more time to website promotion and it is becoming a feature of nearly all website promotion campaigns that they are embracing all known search engine promotion techniques instead of exclusively relying on one or two methods.

What we are seeing atrepparttar 128119 moment is a landshift change in promotion techniques. Only a year or so ago it was thought enough for a search engine optimisation company to optimiserepparttar 128120 pages (on page optimisation) and submitrepparttar 128121 website.

However now thatrepparttar 128122 competition is becoming ever fiercer off page optimisation is becoming a necessary requirement of any respectable website promotion campaign.

Let’s examine these two terms and see what we mean my “on page optimisation” and “off page optimisation”.

On page optimisation isrepparttar 128123 process of tuningrepparttar 128124 page for a search engine or more usually trying to make it rank highly on a selection of search engines. It’s no wonder that many search engine optimisation engineers focus on google exclusively as it certainly producesrepparttar 128125 most traffic of all engines, but will that always berepparttar 128126 case? Things can change quickly in internet land.

Page optimisation strategies generally consist of using your keyword or keyword phrases in all ofrepparttar 128127 pages known “hotspots”. The page title, meta keyword, meta description, alt tags, first heading andrepparttar 128128 body text. Subsequent “tweaks” can include boldingrepparttar 128129 keyword phrase, usingrepparttar 128130 keyword phrase in a hyperlink and more.

To a point there is only so much that you can do to search engineer a page before it starts to look spammy, repeatingrepparttar 128131 keyword phrase over and over. Of course some “optimisers” still do this but it’s quickly becoming a frowned upon practice as it detracts sharply from a website wanting to produce a professional image, not to mention your chances of being banned fromrepparttar 128132 search engine altogether.

This is where “off page optimisation” takes over.

Both Google and Yahoo use a system of “ranking” websites dependent on several factors - one of which is how relevantrepparttar 128133 content appears to be torepparttar 128134 keyphrase searched for (on page optimisation).

The second important criteria that your pages are judged on is how “popular” those pages are in comparison with your competition. Broken down into it’s basest form it means thatrepparttar 128135 more quality votes (links) that your page has thenrepparttar 128136 more popular it must be and so is promoted higher uprepparttar 128137 search engine results. In google parlance this feature is known as “pagerank” and pagerank is a vitally important part of your website promotion campaign. If you don’t have any then you are standing naked in front of everybody and that’s not a nice feeling!

Google pagerank is based on a scale of 1-10 where 10 hasrepparttar 128138 most influence. The algorithm is configured on a sliding scale so that you only ever gain pagerank as a percentage ofrepparttar 128139 full amount. As those withrepparttar 128140 highest pagerank are constantly adding more “votes” for their pages it makes sense that those atrepparttar 128141 bottom end ofrepparttar 128142 scale are going to have to work ever harder to play “catch up” and that is whererepparttar 128143 extra cost is being factored in to website promotion campaigns.

Google Page Rank Is Dead - Or Is It?

Written by Martin Lemieux

Google Page Rank Is Dead - Or Is It? By: Martin Lemieux

For a long time now, marketing gurus all overrepparttar world have been talking about google page ranking. Page ranking is simply Google's way of measuring your pages accordingly.

But there is a problem...

More and more we tend to see NO consistency with page ranking at all. Please don't confuserepparttar 128115 difference between "page ranking" & "search engine ranking". The two are completely different.

With this method of measurement, we could quickly see how much or how little a person has put into promoting their website. A high rank of 6,7,8,9,10 is sometimes held as something honerable to have for your site but does it really matter?

In some aspects it does and in some it doesn't.

As I mentioned above, page ranking has nothing to do with your search engine success. It (did) have everthing to do with "importance". The only problem is (like so many marketing ventures online), this measurement method is dying off withrepparttar 128116 rest of them. People online are very intuitive about these sort of things and tend to over saturate ways to beat them and/or improve on them quickly.

People all overrepparttar 128117 world are even still wondering how to increase their page rank. Now why would they do this???

Simple, it's all about prestige. Eventhough marketing experts like myself weigh absolutely no importance on page ranking anymore, there are still literally 1000's of business people out there that consider a high rank a good thing.

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