Webmaster Secrets for Top 10 Search Results in Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Written by Mark Senden

Webmaster Secrets for Top 10 Search Results in Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Inrepparttar following article, 3 simple steps that are easy to remember will reveal just how easy search engine optimisation can be once you know how. There are many websites that will complicate SEO by referring to engine algorithms, page rank formulas, key-word density or what have you. This article will not dwell anything that technical. Lets leaverepparttar 105834 theorists and bloggers to do what they do best and argue tillrepparttar 105835 cows come home. Inrepparttar 105836 meantime we can work towards getting your webpage up intorepparttar 105837 top 10 results at Google, MSN and Yahoo.

There are only three simple steps ofrepparttar 105838 SEO equation to remember:

  1. Choose to target search terms that are not hotly contested by competitors.
  2. Optimise your page content and html for those terms.
  3. Actively seek external, one-way, incoming links withrepparttar 105839 targeted key terms asrepparttar 105840 anchor text.

Let's take a look at those 3 steps in greater detail.

Choose to target search terms that are not hotly contested by competitors.

Why..? Would you rather spinrepparttar 105841 roulette wheel and take your chances against high-rolling competitors, who throw tonnes of cash into professional SEO and advertising campaigns; or get qualified traffic hitting your site now? Websites targetingrepparttar 105842 most popular search terms are small fish in a big pond. By targeting less popular terms with fewer possible search results, you become a bigger fish in a smaller pond.

Lets take an extreme example. Your a commercial web host and you want your site optimised for search engines. With Google,repparttar 105843 search phrase 'web hosting' returns 23 million results. That's a lot of competition; small fish in a big pond remember. How about 'commercial website hosting'? Well you have about 9 million other pages to compete with there. The phrase 'webhosting specials' only returns 1.2 million results. So how many other pages do you want to compete against, 23 million or 1.2 mil?

There are a few convenient tools around for selecting your search terms. To find how many search-result competitors exist for related terms, check out Google's keyword suggest. Once you've narrowed down a list of candidates, head on over torepparttar 105844 Overture's site and start up a dummy account. The key-word suggest tool is invaluable for gaining an insight to what people punch into search engines and how many hits these terms are scoring at Overture per month. Your looking for a sweet spot of say 5-10% ofrepparttar 105845 result pages that your industry's hottest terms return.

Optimise your page content and html for your new terms.

The most logical page to optimise first time round is your homepage. There are factors that play into SEO which are heavily dependant on how many external websites link to your page. The most common link you are going to score from other sites isrepparttar 105846 default homepage, so it follows that this isrepparttar 105847 best place to start. The most critical part of your web page is behindrepparttar 105848 scenes inrepparttar 105849 html. Particularly important isrepparttar 105850 header and it's relationship torepparttar 105851 rest of your html.

Your website should include 3 important tags inrepparttar 105852 head. They include title, meta description, and meta key-words. It's important to haverepparttar 105853 title as repparttar 105854 first tag inrepparttar 105855 head, withrepparttar 105856 2 mentioned metas soon following. Stuffing your head tags with other metas and clutter such as lengthy javascript can only harm your search engine results page ranking (SERPs); <head>clutter will never improve it.

So lets take a look at our web hosting site example. The beginning html forrepparttar 105857 index page should be something along these lines;

<html> <head> <title>Webhosting Specials</title> <meta name="keywords" content="webhosting specials, webhosting, specials, web, hosting" /> <meta name="description" content="ACME Webhosting offers competitive webhosting specials" /> <!-- keep all your css external --> <style type="text/css" media="screen">@import "your_css.css";</style> <!-- get a funky bookmark icon in there --> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" rel="nofollow" type="image/x-icon" /> <!--get any javascript external from head tags --> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="externalJavascript.js"></script> </head>

Nowrepparttar 105858 header tags have setrepparttar 105859 stage forrepparttar 105860 rest ofrepparttar 105861 page. The idea is to makerepparttar 105862 rest ofrepparttar 105863 html and content appear with 'Website specials' asrepparttar 105864 most prominent topic. Search engines see tags such as <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <strong>, <em>, <u> and <a href> as prominent indicators of topic relevancy. You want to make sure that 'website specials' appears in a h1 or h2 tag as close torepparttar 105865 beginning of your content tag as possible:

<body> <h1>Website Specials</h1><!-- this may berepparttar 105866 web page title --> ..snip.. <h2>ACME Webhosting offers competitive webhosting specials</h2>

Whatever copy or text content you have onrepparttar 105867 page, you want 'website specials' to appear in bold and italic or underlined (just once will do). Don't go overboard in repeatingrepparttar 105868 terms throughout your text content over and over. Don't hiderepparttar 105869 terms by giving them a font colourrepparttar 105870 same asrepparttar 105871 background. Just sprinklerepparttar 105872 term sparingly throughoutrepparttar 105873 copy so that it remains easily read. Remember you still have to sell product and no one likes to read spam; say a ballpark of once per 100 words of content. Forrepparttar 105874 first 3 images that appear inrepparttar 105875 html fromrepparttar 105876 top ofrepparttar 105877 page, you wantrepparttar 105878 key terms to appear in their 'alt' attributes.

..blah...<strong>Webhosting Specials</strong>. <u>Webhosting Specials</u> ..blah.. <img src=mainlogo.jpg alt="Webhosting Specials Logo" />

Chasing The Spider - Simple RSS Tactics That Can Give Your Site The Edge.

Written by Titus Hoskins

Chasing The Spider!

Simple RSS Tactics That Can Give Your Site The Edge.

(Why it's Strategically Important for any online concern to keep your eye onrepparttar RSS Wildcard inrepparttar 105833 coming months. Don't underestimaterepparttar 105834 potential of this new way of moving content aroundrepparttar 105835 web. This one could deliver big returns. Is your site ready for RSS?)

Moving Closer To The Spider

A little while back,repparttar 105836 Internet changed. The change was very subtle. Most people missed it.

There was a slight shift inrepparttar 105837 way information is exchanged onrepparttar 105838 web. No great momentous event, just a little sideways flex.

It all had to do with RSS -- Really Simple Syndication.

RSS allows you to directly deliver your content to all interested parties... don't come to us; we will deliver repparttar 105839 information to you or your website.

It syndicates your content. In a nutshell; it's simply a more efficient way to get your content 'out there'.

RSS has been around for awhile but it really didn't catch on when users had to use RSS readers or aggregators but with repparttar 105840 increasing popularity of MyYahoo,repparttar 105841 Firefox Browser and Blogging...RSS is becoming: more popular, more accessible and more mainstream.

Recent developments such asrepparttar 105842 introduction of an RSS (live bookmark) feature inrepparttar 105843 Firefox Browser is just one application of RSS you should be using. Make sure you use Benefit Laden Headlines and an eye catching favicon to attact your subscriber's attention. You can extend your site's reach by taking advantage of Firefox's RSS live bookmarks.

MyYahoo also has an RSS feature where members can access different RSS feeds that interest them. Make sure you have repparttar 105844 'AddToMyYahoo' or 'XML' button on your site. Each time a subscriber opens their MyYahoo site - your RSS Feed will be updated.

You can also add 'MyMsn' and 'Bloglines' buttons on your site. Plus others -- give your visitors every opportunity to subscribe to your RSS Feed or Blog.

It goes without mentioning, your site must have a blog(s) and an RSS Feed(s) to take full advantage of these new applications.

For these are just a few applications of RSS; many more are coming. Especially now withrepparttar 105845 increased popularity in Blogs and Blogging; some major players are making their moves.

Have you wondered why Google has been sniffing around Firefox recently...hiring Ben Goodger, FireFox's lead engineer... could it have to do with this RSS feature???

Recent moves by MSN must have Google concerned if not worried! Especially now that MSN has come out with their Beta Program using RSS in their search.

You can now place RSS search results directly on your website. It can enrich your site with daily updated content.

And it's quite simple to use; just add "&format=rss" atrepparttar 105846 end ofrepparttar 105847 URL in your MSN search engine query. For example, to get an RSS Feed for 'tsunami relief' you would use this url:


In Yahoorepparttar 105848 URL would be slightly different:


Of course, you can change 'tsunami+relief' withrepparttar 105849 keyword or phrase of your choice to suit your website's content.

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