Web Site Development

Written by harram

We seamlessly fuse eloquent design, strategy, and user-friendly navigation to capturerepparttar visitor's interest, encourage them to absorb your message, then act on its influence. By integrating beautiful design withrepparttar 140770 innovative technology ofrepparttar 140771 web, our works are evidence and confirmation of our commitment to excellence.

vSplash has been assisting individuals; small and medium businesses, companies, and organizations in establishing their own unique Internet presence and has developed thousands of websites. With vSplash in your corner, you have access to some ofrepparttar 140772 most talented and professional website designers inrepparttar 140773 industry.

We design quality standard websites Quick loading, attractive, user-friendly navigation Search engine ready Browser Compatible Resolution Compatible Easy to update and expand

With our low cost web development rates, Internet presence has become a marketing vehicle that both small and large businesses can afford.

Sweat the Small Stuff for Great Customer Service

Written by Kathleen J. Wheelihan

Undoubtedly you’ve heard aboutrepparttar popular book series that started with Don’t Sweatrepparttar 140740 Small Stuff, followed by Don’t Sweatrepparttar 140741 Small Stuff at Work, …in Love, …with Your Family, etc. While these books relay a message containing a great deal of wisdom—don’t letrepparttar 140742 little things in life stress you out—it’s important not to makerepparttar 140743 mistake of overlookingrepparttar 140744 little things that can be critical to achieve wildly successful customer service in your business.

At first I was hesitant to write this article becauserepparttar 140745 message seemed so basic and even felt a bit preachy. However, I reconsidered after numerous reminders from family, friends, clients and my own personal experiences that every day people are subjected to poor service. You’ve heardrepparttar 140746 stories; you’ve experienced it first-hand. Driving throughrepparttar 140747 fast food restaurant without a word or a glance when you pick up your food. The store clerk that doesn’t say “thank you.” The teller that greets you with only a gruff “Next!” The receptionist that ignores you while discussing last night’s social events with other employees. The bagger atrepparttar 140748 grocery checkout that complains aboutrepparttar 140749 newest company policy.

Consumers are starving for good service. And what they’re often hungry for may sound like little things — common courtesies that certainly wouldn’t be considered rocket science — but combined together provide a strong foundation for great customer service. In many industries or markets there are usually a few select players that far exceedrepparttar 140750 rest ofrepparttar 140751 pack, whilerepparttar 140752 rest trail far behind, or drop like flies. After all, comparable product, place, promotion and price arerepparttar 140753 requirements to even be inrepparttar 140754 running. Readrepparttar 140755 news and consider retail, dot-coms, etc. The differences between those that are thriving verses merely surviving arerepparttar 140756 people andrepparttar 140757 little things they do (or don’t do).

Here’s a list of some ofrepparttar 140758 little things, when experienced together can make a big difference to customers and how they view your organization: * Answering a call byrepparttar 140759 third ring * Transferring a call quickly torepparttar 140760 proper person * Timely return of voice mail and e-mail * Eye contact * A warm smile * A friendly hello * Just a moment, I’ll be right with you * Excuse me just a moment, let me find out * A polite and sincere tone * A genuine apology when warranted * You’re welcome * A heartfelt thank you * An honest attempt to help * Your undivided attention * Following up as promised * Takingrepparttar 140761 extra step in any situation * Honesty about problems and mistakes

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