Web Marketing can is easy by Howard Hale

Written by Howard Hale from Quick2Market.com

Ever wanted to know how some websites show up inrepparttar search engines and yours doesn’t? It’s much easier than you think! There arerepparttar 142289 three things that all SEO strategists agree on. 1)You need to have lots of traffic. 2)You need lots of inbound links. 3)And you need to have lots of content.

Seerepparttar 142290 Add an article tool in action here ->> http://www.quick2m.com/articles

It’s a know fact that search engines love content, so much so that Google likes between 800 and a 1000 words per page. Andrepparttar 142291 more pages you have on your siterepparttar 142292 better. The whole idea behind more content is that search engines crawl every page on your website. This process goes happens every day and is called web site indexing. The job of a webbot is to make sure that your web site is relevant torepparttar 142293 users query or search request. That’s why Google is so popular, they provide users with what they are looking for. A search result that resembles what they type in. Did you know that Alta Vista used to berepparttar 142294 biggest name in search engines? They got lazy and decided to indexrepparttar 142295 web only ever 6 months. Many of their search results were stale and links became obsolete and so did Alta Vista. The same logic applies to your website. New content and lots of it is critical to being ranked high inrepparttar 142296 search engines. Think of your self as fishing and you want to catch a wide variety of fish. It’s essential to casting an enormous net overrepparttar 142297 web. Each web page you create is about your product or service and has a specific keyword that focused specifically for that page. When some one enters a keyword, your chances become greater that you will show up inrepparttar 142298 search results. So you’re asking who has time as a business owner or web producer to create content, designrepparttar 142299 webpage, upload it torepparttar 142300 server and then test to make sure it works. Realistically you might be able to do 3 to 5 pages in a day.

Successful Selling in 21 Steps

Written by Jason Katzenback


1.Dependability was chosen asrepparttar most important. 2.Integrity was next. With this traitrepparttar 142246 salesman is incapable either of being false torepparttar 142247 trust his company places in him or torepparttar 142248 real interests of his customer. 3.Knowledge of product is one ofrepparttar 142249 three fundamentals of success inrepparttar 142250 field of selling. 4.Self-management. Perhaps no vocation gives a man a greater degree of latitude. He must be a good "boss" for himself and exact a high degree of self-discipline. 5.Work organization is efficiency in self-management. Much of a salesman's time is wasted byrepparttar 142251 prospect. He must guardrepparttar 142252 balance jealously and make every minute count. 6.Sincerity excludes falsification of every shade. It must be real, few can "pretend" with success. 7.Initiative isrepparttar 142253 salesman's spark plug (Read Elbert Hubbard's little essay on this). 8.Industriousness is devotion torepparttar 142254 job, never being unemployed during work hours (and never being "trifling" employed). 9.Acceptance of responsibility, forrepparttar 142255 car, forrepparttar 142256 sales material, records, samples and above all forrepparttar 142257 company's good name andrepparttar 142258 customer's good will. 10.Understanding of buyer motives, this being another ofrepparttar 142259 big three fundamentals of selling. 11.Sales ethics. No longer isrepparttar 142260 slogan caveat emptor (letrepparttar 142261 buyer beware) but caveat venditor (letrepparttar 142262 seller beware). 12.Judgment is not inherited. It can be developed as a habit. Logic is a subject that should be a "must" for salesmen.

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