Web Legalities: Copyright

Written by Richard Lowe

Important: This article contains opinions and information about copyright law. Keep in mind that I am not a lawyer and have not been a lawyer in any past life that I am aware of. If you have specific questions about copyright law you should contactrepparttar appropriate legal resources.

People work hard to develop graphics, write stories and articles, design web sites and build software, among other things. They are sometimes paid for their efforts, sometimes not. In any event, inrepparttar 108207 United States (and in most ofrepparttar 108208 world) anything that you create or write is automatically protected by copyright.

You do not generally need to register your works withrepparttar 108209 copyright office in order for them to be protected. Registration simply serves as added insurance - it gives yourepparttar 108210 ability to prove that you wrote or createdrepparttar 108211 item on a specific date and formally establishes you asrepparttar 108212 copyright owner.

The person or company (if you createrepparttar 108213 work for a company it belongs torepparttar 108214 company) ownsrepparttar 108215 rights to publishrepparttar 108216 material. These rights do not stop no matter how many timesrepparttar 108217 material is illegally copied or ifrepparttar 108218 copyright holder gives you a copy. He still ownsrepparttar 108219 copyright unless he signs it over to someone else.

The point is that taking someone's images, writings, songs (MP3's included), videos or anything else is violatingrepparttar 108220 law andrepparttar 108221 person's rights. In fact, it is stealing and, if proven,repparttar 108222 violator can be held liable for damages.

So what do you do when you see that cool graphic or sound file onrepparttar 108223 internet and you want a copy? Well, you can write torepparttar 108224 copyright owner and ask permission to use it or to make a copy (always get written permission - anything not in writing is difficult to prove in a court of law). Getting permission is not difficult and it is rewarding to create a web site or other work knowing that everything is totally legal.

I've found that most artists and writers onrepparttar 108225 internet are completely willing to allow their work to be copied as long as they get credit and a link back to their site. Occasionally I've found an exception - an author or artist who does not want to allow casual copying. In this caserepparttar 108226 best thing to do is to followrepparttar 108227 wishes ofrepparttar 108228 copyright owner - don't copyrepparttar 108229 material.

A good rule of thumb about using materials gleaned fromrepparttar 108230 internet is: if you have any doubts about being able to make copies, don't use it. There are way too many good public domain sites for clipart, music and video for there to be any excuse for illegally using copyrighted material on your site.

One ofrepparttar 108231 more interesting copyright violations occurred betweenrepparttar 108232 owner of Star Trek (Viacom) and every non-sanctioned Star Trek site onrepparttar 108233 web. Viacom decided that it didn't agree with people using Star Trek photos, graphics, stories and other materials as it ownedrepparttar 108234 copyrights. So it send out a letter to every site it could find telling them to cease desist. They succeeded in alienating most ofrepparttar 108235 Star Trek fans inrepparttar 108236 world and in angering just about everyone ... and most ofrepparttar 108237 site still seem to be operating. Yet, legally, Viacom is correct ... they do ownrepparttar 108238 copyrights. But was it a good move to actrepparttar 108239 way that they did? I don't think so, as Star Trek has a huge fan following and allowingrepparttar 108240 fans to create literally thousands of web sites is probablyrepparttar 108241 best advertising that Viacom could have asked for.

Features vs. Benefits - The Mystery Revealed

Written by Butch Pujol

Whenever someone mentions advertising or sales you can be surerepparttar phrase "features vs. benefits" will come up in short order. Everyone knows that phrase. Everyone knows that features don't sell, benefits do. However, exactly what is a benefit and how do you turn features into them?

Let's get some definitions set forth first. A feature is an attribute of a product or service. Web site hosting companies will often tell you there package offers "catch all" email addressing. That's a feature. That type of email is a mechanical part ofrepparttar 108206 hosting package.

To determinerepparttar 108207 benefit, you look at howrepparttar 108208 catch all email adds value torepparttar 108209 customer. In other words, "What's in it for me"?

The customer doesn't care aboutrepparttar 108210 mechanical feature ofrepparttar 108211 hosting. What they do care about is howrepparttar 108212 catch all email can improve their life. Catch all email allows anything typed beforerepparttar 108213 "@domainname.com" to go throughrepparttar 108214 system and make it torepparttar 108215 "primary" email box. The benefit of catch all email is that even messages with a misspelling in them make it through so you stay in contact with your customers. Every online business owner cares about that.

One ofrepparttar 108216 most effective ways to derive benefits from features is to address problems or concerns your customers have. Let's turn our attention torepparttar 108217 ebook industry for a moment and define some concerns these customers might have.

When publishing an ebook,repparttar 108218 concern is primarily about gettingrepparttar 108219 information across to readers. It needs to be in a format they can readily access. While readingrepparttar 108220 sales copy for some ebook compilers,repparttar 108221 phrase "no reader required" came up. This is a feature. It didn't mean much to me until I readrepparttar 108222 benefit

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