Web Conferencing, Reach More People.

Written by Lars Nielsen

Today you can broadcast your message onrepparttar Internet to hundreds of people in one digital conference room. You have a certain control of content and audio inrepparttar 116767 conference room. With todays software technology, digital communication has reach a higher level. Now you can sit in New York and make a meeting with your business partners in London without being inrepparttar 116768 same room. Showrepparttar 116769 latest sales charts, discuss a new business plan all with a high level of interactivity. Marketers will show their website while they speak about their affiliate products. What arerepparttar 116770 features and of this communication device? 1. Inrepparttar 116771 same window you can talk and co-browse with students, partners or business associates.

Herb Filled Pillows Make Over a Million Dollars

Written by Stephen Bucaro

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Herb Filled Pillows Make Over a Million Dollars

By Stephen Bucaro

Lauren Rosenstadt was a single mom working at a herb company in Bethesda, Maryland. A herb (pronounced "erb") is a plant that has medicinal, savory, or aromic qualities. One day while at lunch with a friend whose daughter suffered from insomnia, Lauren thought, "If I could fill a pillow with herbs, that would be soothing and help my friend's daughter sleep."

A few days later, Sydney Greensheep, a pillow shaped like a sheep and filled with dried herbs, was completed. Lauren gave Sydney to her friend to try with her daughter. The next morning her friend reported, "It's unbelievable, she slept like a baby!"

Insomnia is epidemic in our fast-pased American lifestyle. 40-50% of Americans complain of occasional bouts with insomnia. 10-15 percent ofrepparttar 116768 US population suffers from chronic insomnia. Every year, as many as 10 million Americans seek a physician's help for sleep disorders. As many as 10,000 automobile accident deaths each year arerepparttar 116769 result of someone falling asleep atrepparttar 116770 wheel.

Lauren showed Sydney to her boss, who was impressed enough to provide her with space inrepparttar 116771 company's booth at a trade show. Many trade show visitors likedrepparttar 116772 herb stuffed pillow idea, and byrepparttar 116773 end ofrepparttar 116774 show, Lauren had orders for over 100 pillows.

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