=================================================== How to Price Your eBook ===================================================You've written and compiled an ebook. Now you have to decide how much to charge for it. Finding
right price is essential to
success of your product. If you charge too little, people will think it's of little value, and they won't purchase it, or even it they do buy your book, you will have to sell thousands of copies to get to
point where you can begin to see a profit. If you price it too high when compared with your competition, you will find yourself steadily lowering
price, which will cause you all kinds of new problems in
future. For example, if you sell your ebook at first for $39.99, and later reduce it to $24.95, don't you think
people who bought it for $39.99 are going to be TORQUED?
right price for your ebook is one of
most critical parts of
marketing process. The first rule of pricing ebooks is to never underprice. Determine
highest price your audience can afford, and then if you find your book isn?t selling, you can always reduce
price. Before you take that step, make sure you are promoting your book like crazy on
Internet and on websites. The price should be aimed at bringing in profits, but you should never forget that price is one of
factors that people use in judging
value of your ebook ? before they buy it. So always start with
highest price, and then launch a mega-marketing campaign.
Pricing an ebook is particularly difficult because ebooks are a fairly new commodity. Since they are digital,
value of an ebook is as confusing as
understanding of what digital actually is to
average layperson. This means that we must look at ebooks in a different light in order to determine their actual worth in this brave, new cyber world.
Let's look at
difference between a book in print and an ebook. A printed book is an object you can hold in your hand, store on your bookshelf, even hand down to
next generation. It is priced on factors such as paper stock, design and production costs, and marketing.
fact that unites ebooks and print books is that they are composed of ideas. It is
ideas in these books that have
ability to change, or possibly transform, people's lives.
What do you think an idea is worth when evaluated against
cost of paper and ink?
It is
IDEAS that are valuable! That is how you determine
cost of your ebook.
What should I charge for my ideas?
There are all different formulas and methods for determining
correct price for your ebook. Let's begin with honing in on your ultimate goals.
Decide if your goal is to get wide distribution and maximum exposure. This goal is aimed at drawing customers to your business or service, or to establishing
credibility of your reputation. If this is your main goal, you should aim to keep your price on
low side. Some authors have even priced their ebooks at a profit loss to draw a high number of new customers. The key is to find a price that maximizes your profits and
number of books you sell.
This is an excellent pricing strategy if you are looking to acquire long-term customers. Long-term customers are extremely likely to buy from you again and again ? as long as
first ebook they buy is of exceptional quality and beneficial to
However, if your book contains valuable ? and more importantly NEW information, references, or techniques ? then you should aim to price it on
high end.