
Written by Joel Walsh

Interested in advertising and marketing your web business by distributing ezine and website content? Make any of these blunders and you may cut your response in half.

Blunder Number 1: Not including an author's resource box/ezine advertisement

Yes, there are really authors who don't remember to include an author's resource box (the biography/advertisement atrepparttar end ofrepparttar 149902 article). That box isrepparttar 149903 whole point of distributing content inrepparttar 149904 first place. Even ifrepparttar 149905 body of your article has a link to your website, you'll be losing allrepparttar 149906 clicks from dedicated ezine readers who look for that box atrepparttar 149907 end of articles they like.

Blunder Number 2: Not including a link in your ezine article's author's resource box

There are a shocking number of author's who use an author's resource box to include their email address, telephone number, street address, gym locker combination, and everything else but a link to their website. This is a big waste for two reasons:

1. Few people will contact you directly without seeing your web page first. At that point, people just aren't motivated enough. All they know about you is that they liked an article you wrote.

2. Search engines rank web pages in part based on "link popularity" i.e.,repparttar 149908 number, quality, and relevance of links to a website. You may not care about search engines now, but if you ever do inrepparttar 149909 future you will be pretty upset at having wasted all these opportunities for link popularity.

Blunder Number 3: Not including an HTML-formatted link with "anchor text" in your ezine article's author's resource box

As much as reasonably possible, you want to encourage publishers to publish your author's resource box withrepparttar 149910 link in HTML, using your chosen anchor text (i.e.,repparttar 149911 text you click on to followrepparttar 149912 link, traditionally displayed in blue and underlined), if it's going to be shown in a web page or HTML newsletter. Ifrepparttar 149913 article is being distributed as plain text, you can include a link to an HTML-formatted version on your website. There are three reasons for this:

* A link that says "discover widgets" is going to get more clicks than a link that just says "http://www.widgets.com" Your call to action (e.g., "discover widgets") is much more powerful whenrepparttar 149914 reader can read it and act upon it in one split second, since there is not that crucial extra split-second of pause while movingrepparttar 149915 mouse. In that split-second pause your reader might get second thoughts. With advertising (andrepparttar 149916 author's resource box is an advertisement), impulse is everything.

Google's SEO Advice For Your Website: Content

Written by Joel Walsh

The web pages actually atrepparttar top of Google have only one thing clearly in common: good writing. Don't get so caught up inrepparttar 149901 usual SEO sacred cows and bugbears, such as PageRank, frames, and JavaScript, that you forget your site's content.

I was recently struck byrepparttar 149902 fact thatrepparttar 149903 top-ranking web pages on Google are consistently much better written thanrepparttar 149904 vast majority of what one reads onrepparttar 149905 web.

Of course, that shouldn't be a surprise, considering how often officials at Google proclaimrepparttar 149906 importance of good content. Yet traditional SEO wisdom has little to say about good writing.

Does Google,repparttar 149907 world's wealthiest media company, really ignore traditional standards of quality inrepparttar 149908 publishing world? Does Google, like so many website owners, really get so caught up inrepparttar 149909 process ofrepparttar 149910 algorithm that it missesrepparttar 149911 whole point?

Apparently not.

Most Common On-the-Page Website Content Success Features

Whateverrepparttar 149912 technical mechanism, Google is doing a pretty good job of identifying websites with good content and rewarding them with high rankings.

I looked at Google's top five pages forrepparttar 149913 five most searched-on keywords, as identified by WordTracker on June 27, 2005. Typically,repparttar 149914 top five pages receive an overwhelming majority ofrepparttar 149915 traffic delivered by Google.

The web pages that contained written content (a small but significant portion were image galleries) all sharedrepparttar 149916 following features:

* Updating: frequent updating of content, at least once every few weeks, and more often, once a week or more.

* Spelling and grammar: few or no errors. No page had more than three misspelled words or four grammatical errors. Note: spelling and grammar errors were identified by using Microsoft Word's check feature, and then ruling out words marked as misspellings that are either proper names or new words that are simply not inrepparttar 149917 dictionary. Does Google use SpellCheck? I can already hearrepparttar 149918 scoffing onrepparttar 149919 other side of this computer screen. Before you dismissrepparttar 149920 idea completely, keep in mind that no one really does know whatrepparttar 149921 100 factors in Google's algorithm are. But whetherrepparttar 149922 mechanism is SpellCheck or a better shot at link popularity thanks to great credibility, or something else entirely,repparttar 149923 results remainrepparttar 149924 same.

* Paragraphs: primarily brief (1-4 sentences). Few or no long blocks of text.

* Lists: both bulleted and numbered, form a large part ofrepparttar 149925 text.

* Sentence length: mostly brief (10 words or fewer). Medium-length and long sentences are sprinkled throughoutrepparttar 149926 text rather than clumped together.

* Contextual relevance: text contains numerous terms related torepparttar 149927 keyword, as well as stem variations ofrepparttar 149928 keyword.

SEO Bugbears and Sacred Cows

A hard look atrepparttar 149929 results shows that, practically speaking, a number of SEO bugbears and sacred cows may matter less to ranking than good content.

* PageRank. The median PageRank was 4. One page had a PageRank of 0. Of course, this might simply be yet another demonstration thatrepparttar 149930 little PageRank number you get in your browser window is not what Google's algo is using. But if you're one of those people who attaches an overriding value to that little number, this is food for thought.

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