WebToor's Guide To Success

Written by Ranjit Toor

Subsribe to receive FREE educational articles on 'How To Become An Internet Income Earning Specialist' There are over 700 million computers in use inrepparttar world at any given time.The internet is growing up,and is now opening up MORE opportunities than ever before for individuals. Consider these facts: 1) Radio took 38 years to reach 50 million people,television took 13 years,butrepparttar 137846 internet did it in 5 years. 2) Each day,more than 160,000 people log on torepparttar 137847 internet forrepparttar 137848 very first time. 3) People spend more time onrepparttar 137849 internet than watchingrepparttar 137850 television or listening torepparttar 137851 radio. Bill Gates,founder of Microsoft Corporation,summed it up with these words:"Any business that hopes to succeed inrepparttar 137852 future MUST have an internet presence." Economic experts agree: Overrepparttar 137853 the next 5 years people all overrepparttar 137854 world will profit from it and earn significant incomes very quickly. Earning income onrepparttar 137855 internet isrepparttar 137856 future for anyone who owns a computer and is willing to learn inrepparttar 137857 comfort of their home on a part or full time basis.

Product Development is an Iterative Process

Written by Mike Hayden

See full color web version at: http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com/pvt-111-iteration.html

============================================================ Have you seen these kinds of development problems? ============================================================

If your company develops products, you've probably seen schedule-changes in product development that had a huge effect on pro'fit.

In high-tech industries, pro'fit often depends on time-to-market. A two-month schedule advance might double or quadruple your pro'fits, while a two-month delay might make your company an "also ran."

Product development is an iterative process. For example, early computers did not run at giga-cycle rates. Orville and Wilber did not build a passenger airplane. Henry Ford did not developrepparttar Thunderbird.

Today's computers, passenger airplanes and fancy cars resulted fromrepparttar 137845 successes and failures (feedback) of previous iterations of product development. Product improvement is also an iterative process.

But, most companies burden their product development departments with inevitable schedule delays. How? They optimize their company around NON-iterative processes and static business architectures, instead of optimizing around iterative processes and time-to-market.

Here some examples of iterative vs. NON-iterative business processes.

Iterative processes Developing complex software systems Developing a complex sa'les process Developing an accounting system Streamlining a manufacturing process Developing an Internet marketing website Building a company Developing new product specifications

Non-iterative processes Running a software program Making a sa'les call Entering data into an accounting system Installing parts in an assembly-line Fulfilling an Internet order Doingrepparttar 137846 company's technical work Delivering specifications to manufacturing

Companies try to minimize costs by using long iteration cycles, such as, performing quality control (QC) checks atrepparttar 137847 END of a long process.

These long iteration cycles inevitably cause delays. Why? When QC discovers a problem atrepparttar 137848 end, they must disassemblerepparttar 137849 item, fixrepparttar 137850 problem, assemblerepparttar 137851 item again, repeatrepparttar 137852 QC process, find another problem, disassemble, fix, reassemble...etc.

(It doesn't matter whetherrepparttar 137853 product is an automobile, a software product, or a custom restaurant meal.)

Take a look at PLAN A, an iteration model where feedback "FB" is created only at Step 5 (QC) - or worse, in Step 7 byrepparttar 137854 customer. http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com/Images/plan-a.gif

(NOTE: Boxes represent processes, and circles represent data or things. Each process generates data or things for another process.)

Notice thatrepparttar 137855 model shows no schedule or time period. Feedback from long iterations usually mask problems that would be better fixed atrepparttar 137856 source instead of atrepparttar 137857 end.

Shorter iterations let you leverage new learning (feedback), prevent problems atrepparttar 137858 end, and even shorten development time.

Take a look at PLAN B, an iteration model where feedback is created at every step. More feedback = more learning and a more dynamic process. http://www.SeniorManagementServices.com/Images/plan-b.gif

Notice that PLAN B usesrepparttar 137859 same steps as PLAN A but collects much more feedback. Many companies fail to gather and use feedback, which is a source of delays and higher costs. It is more effective to gather and use feedback ASAP to:

* Manage uncertainty by gettingrepparttar 137860 information early, * Decrease risky situations, * Gain more certainty early in development * Avoid expensive delays that occur later on * Help you plan optimum iteration lengths

As you can see, this organizational structure is circular, where results move clockwise and feedback moves counterclockwise.

============================================================ So, how should you organize your company -functional hierarchy or project teams? ============================================================

Let's look atrepparttar 137861 tradeoffs.

Functional hierarchies are an efficient structure for reducing short-term costs because they tend to keep all workers busy continuously.

While this is efficient, it can lead to delays because people tend to get distracted from tasks that are critical torepparttar 137862 development project.

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