"We Were Taught To Say 'Thank You' ...

Written by John Evans

"We Were Taught To Say 'Thank You' ... Have We Forgotten HOW?" copyright 2002 John Evans

When you get an order, do you remember to say Thanks to your customer? If someone requests information from you, or even your autoresponder, doesrepparttar message they get say Thanks? Do any of your replies say Thank you?

Saying those two little words, "Thank You", could be one ofrepparttar 118936 keys to getting new customers, or getting return visitors. Return visitors could become return, buying customers. Even if they only ask for information, or download free gifts from your site, they deserve to be acknowledged. If they takerepparttar 118937 time to visit, and you're aware of it,why not takerepparttar 118938 time to tell them you appreciate it?

If you can, try to 'personalize' it. Why? Because we are humans, and humans have egos, and egos like to be stroked, to be recognized. What better way than to userepparttar 118939 person's name? Many times, this just isn't possible, but for those times when it is, Just Do It!

"Don't Have 'Your Own' Product? You Don't Really Need To!"

Written by John Evans

"Don't Have 'Your Own' Product? You Don'tReally Need To!" copyright 2001 John Evans

To make money onrepparttar Internet you need something to sell! Pretty obvious.

And, you've probably read somewhere, many times, that in order to makerepparttar 118935 'most' money, you need your own product to sell. Right? Yes! Well, maybe.

There is so much information to be had onrepparttar 118936 Internet, where do you begin? Where do you get 'your own product?'

It may surprise you to know that 'your own product' does not necessarily mean, or have to be , something you have written yourself!

Does it?

Look, when you go into a store, just about any kind of store, doesrepparttar 118937 store owner manufacture allrepparttar 118938 goods you see? Of course not! He buys from a manufacturer, or wholesaler, or some other middleman.

What does this have to do with you and Internet selling?


What I'm getting at is this; you need something to sell - we all do. Inrepparttar 118939 case of many of us online marketers, we sell 'information'. But not everyone hasrepparttar 118940 knowledge, expertise, or evenrepparttar 118941 desire to write their own material.

And that's understandable...

Sorepparttar 118942 next best thing is to buy it from someone else - then resell it. Just likerepparttar 118943 store keepers do.

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