We Have Different Rules

Written by Joyce C. Lock

One thing God's sheep are known for is encountering trials. The messes we make,repparttar struggles we face, andrepparttar 130571 horrors Satan sends our way can sometimes seem endless. Even our service is more work than joy and reaps little result or reward.

All of that would suddenly change if we could just get this one thing. We cannot overcome, succeed, or achieve any kind of spiritual greatness byrepparttar 130572 world's methods. WE HAVE DIFFERENT RULES.

When we remove "I" from any situation (how I feel, what I think, how it will make me look, I can't), we begin saying, "Okay, God. I'll speak when You give merepparttar 130573 words and shut my mouthrepparttar 130574 rest ofrepparttar 130575 time. I'll go where You want me to go and do what You want me to do. I'll wait on You. I'll listen and observe. I want to use Your plan instead of mine. I'll do it Your way', De. 5:24, 27.

Then, stand back and watch forrepparttar 130576 miraculous! God quiets storms, calms seas, puts out fires, meets needs, and makes paths (vs. 30).

God also says, if His children would just do this allrepparttar 130577 time, they wouldn't find themselves in such messes (vs. 29).

When Doors Don't Open

Written by Joyce C. Lock

One cannot blame man when God has not revealedrepparttar way. One cannot blame God when man has yet to obey.

One cannot blame man when God hasn't openedrepparttar 130569 door. One cannot blame God when man lingers allrepparttar 130570 more.

One cannot blame man when God's timing isn't right. One cannot blame God when man waits, due to fright.

One cannot blame man when God wisely says, "Not just yet" One cannot blame God when man hasn't passedrepparttar 130571 test.

Facing closed doors, again and again, is a frustrating time in one's life. It puts faith and patience torepparttar 130572 test, while tempting to placerepparttar 130573 blame elsewhere. It confines us to an inner prison, teachingrepparttar 130574 hard way to hang on when there's only God to hang on to; to trust Him no matterrepparttar 130575 outlook; to quit trying to help God out, as it's His job to complete what He's called you to; to wait patiently, and finally, to be contented in all circumstances.

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