We Fall Down

Written by Dawn Fields

When I first heard Donnie McClurkin's song, "We Fall Down (But We Get Up), I got goosebumps. The second time I heard it I loved it even more. There is a Gospel House remix ofrepparttar song that is simply offrepparttar 122888 hook.

The reason I felt that this song was so powerful is becauserepparttar 122889 lyrics are so right on time that it's ridiculous.

Just think about this for a moment:

We Fall Down.

How many times have you done something in your past that you weren't too happy about?

It could be anything.

Let's say that you are an addicted person. You may be addicted to drugs, or alcohol orrepparttar 122890 wrong type of man. Perhaps you are addicted to stressful jobs that bring you little pay.

It doesn't matter whatrepparttar 122891 circumstances may be. Hey, it doesn't even have to be that harsh.

Perhaps you have tried to start your own business or create something in your life where you could make a living doing something you are passionate about and it failed, so you gave up. It doesn't really matter. But every time you turn around, you are falling victim torepparttar 122892 same thing over and over again.

Hey, it happens--We Fall Down.

Butrepparttar 122893 good thing about it is We Get Up.

Just because you fell down doesn't mean you have to STAY down.

Get up!

Why are you still sitting there?

We all make mistakes. Butrepparttar 122894 great part about it is that God allows us an opportunity to learn from our mistakes and move forward. Just because you fall down today, doesn't mean that tomorrow you must remain down.

Ever slipped out in public and actually fell down? Jumped up real quick, didn't you? The next thing you did was looked around and prayed that nobody saw you. (Just a little side note to you--SOMEBODY always sees you.)

Just as quickly as you bounced up from a "real" fall, you can bounce back from a figurative fall.

One thing that I’ve noticed from speaking with a lot of people is that they understandrepparttar 122895 We Fall Down part and, generally, when they do fall down, they simply stay there or let their fall stop them from moving forward. They have never learnedrepparttar 122896 "BUT We Get Up" part.

No matter whatrepparttar 122897 circumstances are in your life that might have tripped you up, no matter what you have been through, no matter what happened in your past, you can always GET UP and make changes, right now, that will forever banish or make obsolete,repparttar 122898 "bad" things that caused you to fall inrepparttar 122899 past.

Don't get me wrong...I hear some very legitimate sounding "excuses" as to why people "feel" that their life will forever berepparttar 122900 way that it presently may be. I hear things like "I was molested when I was young." "My mother abandoned me when I was two years old and left me because she was out chasingrepparttar 122901 pipe." "I have an addiction. How can I possibly get a job that pays more than minimum wage." "I don't have an education. How can I ever expect to get a good job?"

STOP Living Inrepparttar 122902 Past! We all fall down. But remember, "A Saint is just a sinner who fell down AND got up."

GET UP! Stop living inrepparttar 122903 past! Your past should be a reference point, NOT a residence.

But so many of us continuously LIVE inrepparttar 122904 past. We went out and bought a "WELCOME" mat and promptly placed it atrepparttar 122905 door of our past. We can't break away from it. We wear it as some sort of badge of honor because we simply won't let it go.

Just because you made a mistake or circumstances led you to do something that you now regret, doesn't mean that forrepparttar 122906 rest of your life you will have to beat yourself up because of it.

Doesn't matter if you made two mistakes or three. Heck, it doesn't even matter if you made over a million mistakes in your life. What matters is today, right now.

Imagination is Funny

Written by Dawn Fields

Imagination: 1:repparttar act or power of forming a mental image of something not present torepparttar 122887 senses or never before wholly perceived in reality; 2a: creative ability b: ability to confront and deal with a problem: RESOURCEFULNESS c:repparttar 122888 thinking or active mind: INTEREST imagination> 3a: a creation ofrepparttar 122890 mind; especially : an idealized or poetic creation b: fanciful or empty assumption

Our imaginations are incredible things. They can be used in a positive way, such as in definition 2a, creative ability. Or they can be used in a not so incredible way such as 3b, fanciful or empty assumptions.

Most of us use our imagination to create fanciful or empty assumptions.

Let me tell you a story.

My father and mother are at my brother’s house babysitting for him and his wife so that they may get away for a few days. It’s their sixth anniversary.

Yesterday morning my father starts complaining of chest pains. Everyone tries to convince him to go torepparttar 122891 doctor but he won’t. He says he believes he has only pulled a muscle.

Well, word got to my uncle that my father was having chest pains so he tries to call him over at my brother’s house. There is something wrong withrepparttar 122892 phone lines andrepparttar 122893 call goes straight to voicemail, and my uncle can’t get through. The phone company has been working on this problem for about a week now.

Because my uncle could not get in touch with my father, he creates an entire horrible scenario in his imagination. He calls and calls but can’t get through. He imagines that my father has had a heart attack and that my mother is so upset that she passes out. Nowrepparttar 122894 children, my two nephews whom my parents are babysitting, are inrepparttar 122895 house by themselves and no one is watching them. This isrepparttar 122896 story he creates in his imagination. My uncle can’t sleep and stays up all night worrying. The longer he cannot get in touch with themrepparttar 122897 more his imagination runs wild, and he begins to build more horrible images in his mind.

He calls my aunt, who also lives inrepparttar 122898 Poconos, and tells her to get inrepparttar 122899 car and drive over to my brother’s house because Carnell, my father, is probably having a heart attack and Jessie, my mother, has, more than likely, passed out. He also calls my sister and tells her this incredible story.

They continue to try calling and finally, at 4:00 a.m., my sister gets through to my parents who are awaken byrepparttar 122900 phone and are now upset. You know how it is when you get a call inrepparttar 122901 middle ofrepparttar 122902 night. It’s usually bad news, so they are nervous and anxious whenrepparttar 122903 phone rings.

Well, my mother reassured everyone that my father was fine and so was she. Do you see how he let his imagination getrepparttar 122904 best of him? There was absolutely NOTHING to base his “story” on exceptrepparttar 122905 fact that my father had chest pains earlier inrepparttar 122906 day. Yet, from that brief explanation he created an entire scenario that, in his mind, became real.

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