It is important to have some idea of what nature of world governance has been before we get into trying to change it. I will present only a small part of situation in this book because I think I have presented enough of it in other books. There is no boogeyman and probably no one person and maybe even no one group of people who are at top of dung heap that has put nations over people and people over their own mothers and sisters. Paradigm pundits call me a ‘conspiracy theorist’ and those looking for answers who have found one portion of elite who they blame for situation will often call me an agent of elite. Rothschild versus Lincoln:
Pierre Belmont and Judah Benjamin are most interesting studies in matter of War Between States. Belmont was Democratic National Chairman and very much Rothschild operative as he reported through Salomon Rothschild.
“The election of Abraham Lincoln in November 1860 was seen by Salomon as merely one step closer to abyss, and he had nothing but contempt for new President.
… he is not up to his position and Republicans themselves regret having nominated him. He rejects all forms of compromise and thinks only of repression by force of arms. He has appearance of a peasant and can only tell bar-room stories. The other day I saw one of his supporters, who had been to see him at Springfield to chat with him about situation. He found him seated, legs on mantelpiece, in shirtsleeves, hat on his head, amusing himself by spitting great gobs of tobacco juice that he extracted from his quid. After conversation which shed no light on way Mr. Lincoln viewed things, visitor – who is one of Republican leaders – went away very disappointed in future president. In this country, people do not take umbrage at nonentities; greatest claim to public favour is to be unknown.” (1)
Belmont was not in agreement with Salomon as regards maintaining of Union and he went over his head to other Rothschilds in Europe. The full extent of their ability to play both ends against middle seems largely unconsidered by most historians. The same was true when they were being ousted by converted Jews and Péreires in time of Napoleon. The same is true today but you will have to read all my books and many of source material to get to point where you can be sure this is at least partially true.
“Up until mid-century Rothschilds entrusted to agents their business in distant lands. There might be on-the-spot financiers or merchants, or trusted bank employees sent abroad after years at New Court or Rue Lafitte. Whoever they were, their positions carried enormous responsibility and prestige, as well as potential for considerable personal profit.
Rothschilds were in vanguard of overseas development. As new colonies were opened up in Africa, and newly created nations of South America sought to expand their economies, agents of Paris or London house were there to buy up mining concessions, finance railway building or provide state loans. They owned or had major shareholdings in Central American ironworks, North American canal construction companies and a multiplicity of other concerns. They became major importers of bullion from newly discovered goldfields; in 1855 London band established its own gold refinery on Tower Hill in premises recently vacated by Royal Mint.” (2)
Thus we must look to Rockefellers and J. P. Morgan and control of technology through General Electric and many other things which we have done. My own comments on Peking Man explorations are already too far from normal perception of man named Teilhard by even suggesting he was catering to his sponsor. But it would not be first time that a person was attacked by such an organization (as he often was, and you can see in comments we have quoted from Catholic Encyclopedia) in order to make a more credible spokesman and agent for their real cause. There is no good reason to further debate Teilhard except for facts we are about to relay in reference to Rockefeller Foundation. The Yale connection and Skull & Bones Society founded by a great Merovingian name (Russell) and Opium Wars are all related as well. It would serve reader well to wait and read before making decisions about these things.
Now a financial problem loomed. The Rockefeller Foundation grant that supported digging would run out in April 1929. So in January Black wrote directors, asking them to support Zhoukoudian excavations by creating a Cenozoic Research Laboratory (the Cenozoic includes periods from Paleocene to Holocene). In April, Black received funds he desired.
Just a few years before, Rockefeller Foundation officials had actively discouraged Black from becoming too involved in paleoanthropological research. Now they were backing him to hilt, setting up an institute specifically devoted to searching for remains of fossil human ancestors {The religious tides were changing as their 'Bible Narrative' approach shepherded by Frederick T. Gates a prominent Baptist educator and founder of their Foundation was seen as less influential in bending minds than what is coming.}. Why had Rockefeller Foundation so changed its attitude toward Black and his work? This question bears looking into, because financial contribution of foundations would turn out to be vital to human evolution research carried out by scientists like Black {The author of this quote is a historian who is not aware of nature of Skull & Bones Society or other Merovingian import.}. Foundation support would also prove important in broadcasting news of finds and their significance to waiting world.
As Warren Weaver, a scientist and Rockefeller Foundation official, wrote in 1967: 'In a perfect world an idea could be born, nourished, developed and made known to everyone, criticized and perfected, and put to good use without crude fact of financial support ever entering in to process. Seldom, if ever, in practical world in which we live does this occur.'
For Weaver, biological questions were of highest importance. He regarded highly publicized particle accelerators and space explorations programs as something akin to scientific fads. He added: 'The opportunities not yet rigorously explored lie in understanding of nature of living things.' It seemed clear in 1932, when Rockefeller Foundation launched its quarter-century program in that area, that biological and medical sciences were ready ‘for a friendly invasion by physical sciences... tools are now available for discovering, on most disciplined and precise level of molecular actions, how man's central nervous system really operates, how he thinks, learns, remembers, and forgets… Apart from fascination of gaining some knowledge of nature of mind-brain-body relationship, practical values in such studies are potentially enormous. Only thus may we gain information about our behavior of sort that can lead to wise and beneficial control.'