We Are What We Eat

Written by Kristin Parker

We Are What We Eat

Many people aroundrepparttar world are dying of heart disease and stroke every day. There has been extensive research done to determinerepparttar 114899 cause of these health problems, among hereditary factors, and environmental issues, one major contributing factor, which can be controlled, is what we eat. Food can berepparttar 114900 ultimate demon to our bodies.

High cholesterol levels can block allrepparttar 114901 major arteries inrepparttar 114902 heart, which meansrepparttar 114903 heart will eventually stop beating, if blood is unable to flow freely throughoutrepparttar 114904 body. We are what we eat, what we put into our bodies can determinerepparttar 114905 outcome of what our bodies can do for us. If we feed our body junk, it will slowly deteriorate and turn into junk fromrepparttar 114906 inside out.

Those many trips throughrepparttar 114907 drive thru aren’t doing your body any good. Don’t believe me? Try a fatty diet for a month and your body will deteriorate. That food can do some serious damage to you. You will feel more tired allrepparttar 114908 time, you will crave it, to make you want more, and it will make you very irritable. A fatty diet for a month can’t compare to a lifetime of one, those arteries can take years to clog up, and once they do, you’re in trouble.

Health Matters, Cleaning House, reducing household pollution

Written by Kristin Parker

Health Matters: Cleaning House, reducing household pollution

Do you ever wonder what cleaning your house can do to your health, andrepparttar health of your children? Those chemicals in your cupboards may be causing your children to get sick and causing you to have long-term side effects, such as respiratory problems and other ailments inrepparttar 114898 future. More and more people are developing cancer for reasons unknown, andrepparttar 114899 environment has a definite impact on people’s health. Couldrepparttar 114900 two be connected?

Those name brands that you find atrepparttar 114901 grocery stores have side effects on your health. Many ofrepparttar 114902 chemicals have hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide in them. These are very harmful to children, even fatal if swallowed. Contact with skin could cause children to have burns, may even turn them blind if they splash some in their eyes. Do you really want to risk your children’s health, or even their life, buyingrepparttar 114903 cheaper brands? Most young children cannot readrepparttar 114904 warning labels onrepparttar 114905 back ofrepparttar 114906 products, telling them that it can seriously harm them. There are serious risks in buying these items.

If these chemicals are used poorly and adults do not readrepparttar 114907 instructions, there are serious consequences. Not dilutingrepparttar 114908 products could lead to disaster and if they are in contact with food, you and your children are digestingrepparttar 114909 chemicals as well. That could lead to some serious health problems that may affectrepparttar 114910 internal organs, likerepparttar 114911 stomach.

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