Warning! Lack of Exercise Could Be Harmful To Your Heath

Written by Laura Turner

You know it’s bad whenrepparttar Surgeon General issues a warning that lack of exercise is hazardous to your health. And that was back in ’96. Since then,repparttar 115523 stats haven’t improved much, either: 25% ofrepparttar 115524 American population is still sedentary and 60% do not exercise regularly (Reference: http://www.cdc.gov).

For fitness minded folks, we could do worse than to followrepparttar 115525 “hour-a-day” prescription outlined byrepparttar 115526 Surgeon General’s Healthy People Report. It’s just a guideline, of course and, as you already know, any amount of activity packed into your busy schedule is going to earn you healthy rewards. But there are plenty of other reasons to exercise.

“If people exercised only moderately,” says Janet Kneiss, Physical Therapist, “there would be far less incidence of injury. The 15 or so people I see daily, who come in with back and neck problems, usually don’t want to exercise, they want a quick fix.”

The solution as she sees it?

“I think, if people could just reframerepparttar 115527 idea of it [exercise] being so much work and focus more onrepparttar 115528 enjoyment of doing it,they would findrepparttar 115529 experience more positive.”

So, if exercise alone can keep you injury and disease free, how do you keep it from being just another thing “to-do?” Here are a couple ideas:

Do something you enjoy: This sounds incredibly simple, but it’s worth mentioning. As we’ve already said, most seasoned fitness fanatics as well as neophytes will berepparttar 115530 first to tell you: if you do something you enjoy, you will stick to it. What do you like to do? Walk? Run? Spinrepparttar 115531 treadmill while watchingrepparttar 115532 tube? Or how about branching out and trying something unique and different like kick-boxing or martial arts? It’s a great idea to add variety; it will keep your exercise fresh and interesting.

Mix it up! Speaking of variety, you can also mix up your routine. For example: try splitting up your exercise sessions. If you take a half-hour walk inrepparttar 115533 morning, take a half-hour to stretch or resistance train inrepparttar 115534 afternoon. Just adding a bit of variety could spice things up and keep you motivated. Make an appointment with yourself. Makerepparttar 115535 commitment to exercise by making an appointment with yourself. Write it on your calendar. If you’ve never exercised before, start slow [10-15 minutes] then build up. Begin exercising three times a week, then slowly build up your time and your frequency. If you love to exercise, try listening to your bio-rhythms. If you can, schedule exercise during peak energy periods.

Kanhaiya Amla Powder

Written by Govardhanlal Bajaj


AMLA, proudly known as ‘Indian Gooseberry' has beenrepparttar key constituent of many Ayurvedic formulations. And nowadays, it has been accepted by almost all medical branches as a result of extensive research carried at Germany, England, India, and various other countries.

IN AYURVEDA, importance of Amla has been ascertained fromrepparttar 115522 experiments and experiences of ancient Rishi-Munis of India, namely Charak, Chyavan, Atreya, Kartik, Vrat Koumudi, and many others. Amla is considered one ofrepparttar 115523 strongest rejunevatives (rasayana), particularly for blood, bones, liver, heart and skin.

qSOURCE OF NATURAL VITAMIN C : Amla is exceptionally rich source of vitamin C and powerful anti-oxidant. 100 gm. of Amla contains about 700 mg. of vitamin C, which is thirty timesrepparttar 115524 amount found in oranges.

qVITAMIN C : Vitamin C is essential for making ‘Collagen' inrepparttar 115525 body. Collagen provides much ofrepparttar 115526 framework inrepparttar 115527 cell or tissues, just asrepparttar 115528 skeleton providesrepparttar 115529 framework forrepparttar 115530 body. Thus, Vitamin C playsrepparttar 115531 vital role in growth and repair of tissues in ALL PARTS of human body, and hence it is useful for treatment as well as prevention of so many diseases. It enhancesrepparttar 115532 overall immunity. " When your immune system is strong, You get sick less often, and recover quickly." qPOTENCY OF AMLA : Research has shown that Amla is 12 times more assimilable and creates more potent medicinal effect than synthetic vitamin C, known as Ascorbic acid. Researchers have also shown that just 8.7 mg of natural vitamin C from Amla is equivalent to 100 mg of synthetic vitamin C. The synthetic vitamin C is missing vital nutrients such as Rutin, Bioflavonoids andrepparttar 115533 "J" & "K" factors.

qMODERN SCIENCES: The modern sciences too, have acceptedrepparttar 115534 supremacy of Amla towards imparting health and beauty, due to its very high vitamin C content. qUNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE researchers, publishedrepparttar 115535 result of their study, based on a single measurement of vitamin C inrepparttar 115536 blood of 19,496 individuals aged 45 to 79 state that : as concentrations of vitamin C in blood plasma went up,repparttar 115537 risk of dying from all causes went down. This report inrepparttar 115538 March 3, 2001 issue of ‘Lancet' state thatrepparttar 115539 risk of death from all causes including heart disease, cut in half for individuals who have highest levels of vitamin C in blood. Inrepparttar 115540 findings of Dr. Kay Tee Khaw,repparttar 115541 high blood levels of vitamin C were associated with a decreased risk for cancer. qAN ANTIOXIDANT : Oxidation is removal of electrons fromrepparttar 115542 molecular oxygen and to convert it to an active form called as ‘oxidant'. It has a tendency to acquire electrons and damage most cell structures by releasing DNA damaging free radicals. The Vitamin C in Amla is a well-known antioxidant, which is able to inactivate DNA-damaging free radicals, by releasing oxygen electrons. Thus vitamin C in Amla preventsrepparttar 115543 abnormal growth of cells in all parts of body. qH.L.NEWBOLD, in his book "VITAMIN C AGAINST CANCER", has interviewed four Noble Prize Winner scientists, and professors from some ofrepparttar 115544 world's best-known medical centers. He reportsrepparttar 115545 latest findings about vitamin C as a promising new weapon inrepparttar 115546 battle against cancer- not only for treatment, but also for prevention. Few lines betweenrepparttar 115547 covers of his book have been quoted below:

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