Warming Up To Cold Calls

Written by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

Will you do just about anything, including sending out hundreds of letters, to avoid making cold calls to your potential customers/prospects? If so, you're not alone. Millions like you have started their own businesses, only to find thatrepparttar thought of making calls to potential customers/prospects leaves them paralyzed with anxiety. Believe me I was one of them. For those of you who know us and have read "Who Makes It Happen", remember what I used to go through before I would get onrepparttar 124446 telephone to cold call.

However, as an business owner/entrepreneur,repparttar 124447 telephone is one ofrepparttar 124448 single most important tools at your command. The key to getting over your hesitation is to stop thinking about your call as a sales pitch, and instead begin practicing "consultative selling." This means uncovering and filling needs in a friendly, supportive way. For those in lease purchase this is very conducive. We are helping buyers and sellers.

So for those of you in other types of businesses, before you ever pick uprepparttar 124449 telephone to contact a potential customer/prospect, ask yourself, "What does my potential customer/prospect need from me, and what does my company have to offer that will help this potential customer/prospect get what he wants?" Then set a goal for your call that will moverepparttar 124450 potential customer/prospect closer to a buying decision, such as gaining an appointment or preparing a price quote.

According to business owners/entrepreneurs in all types of businesses, one ofrepparttar 124451 biggest reasons they hesitate to prospect by telephone is they're unsure of what they should say atrepparttar 124452 outset. A short, three-part opener, including an introduction of yourself and your company and an opening benefit isrepparttar 124453 best way to start.

When introducing your company, be sure you can describe what you do in just a short phrase: "This is Susan DeFiore, of DeFiore Enterprises. We are lease purchase consultants." Now mentionrepparttar 124454 benefit: "We can move your home in 30 days or less withrepparttar 124455 lease purchase advantage." By stating your benefit clearly in your opener, you giverepparttar 124456 person a good reason to listen further.

Effective telephone contact is made up of two components: Asking good questions and listening carefully torepparttar 124457 answers. Ask questions to qualify prospects and overcome objections. Again, for those of us in lease purchasing, we use our telephone script to obtain allrepparttar 124458 information we need.

Trade Show Budgeting, Part 1

Written by Rick Hendershot, M.A.

Setting up a display at a trade show is expensive business. You have to rentrepparttar space, create a display, promote it, stock it, and "man" (or better, "woman") it. Before you decide to get involved, take a serious look atrepparttar 124445 costs of all of these components to determine ifrepparttar 124446 ROI (return on investment) is sufficient.

Start planning well ahead. You already know this, right? Keep yourself as organized as possible right fromrepparttar 124447 beginning — even before you book your space. You know how carefully today's brides plan their weddings. Months, even years ahead, they start thinking aboutrepparttar 124448 church,repparttar 124449 reception,repparttar 124450 dresses,repparttar 124451 flowers,repparttar 124452 cake. And of course,repparttar 124453 cost. Well, you'rerepparttar 124454 bride. Grab your planning book and start writing down everything you must do to get yourself ready for a successful trade show season — next year's.

Even before you decide to go into a show or two you should have a hard look atrepparttar 124455 costs and expected returns. This is why you create a trade show budget. Whether you admit it or not, everything has a cost, and trade shows are not an exception. Remember that your objective is to make sales, or at least generate opportunities to make sales. So you have to view your costs in that light. Everything should be done with an eye on its potential return.

The Trade Show Budget Preamble

As I've said,repparttar 124456 normal starting point for your campaignrepparttar 124457 trade show BUDGET. If you work from a budget you have an outside chance of keeping your costs under control. Of course there is a certain amount of hocus pocus involved in budgeting for things like trade show marketing — especially if you've never serioulsy done it before and have no track record to go on. Still, you should give it your best shot. This is not rocket science, and any research or analysis you do will be better than just "winging it" Try using a "brainstorming" process like what follows.

First, ask yourself some BIG questions:

Q1. If I honestly summarize allrepparttar 124458 costs involved in going to just one show, do I really believe I can recover these costs within a short enough period of time to make it "profitable" (make me more than it costs me)?

A1. Like most promotion and advertising, until you've done it , you have no idea how successful it will be. First you will have to summarize allrepparttar 124459 costs, and then try to figure out how many sales you're likely to get from this sort of exposure. We'll take a stab at running some numbers inrepparttar 124460 next section, after we've asked a few more questions.

Q2. Do I have any idea which trade shows are more likely to be "profitable".

A2. There are trade show directories and reports that can tell you about industry-specific shows. Usually they will tell yourepparttar 124461 number of attendees, and hopefully something about their buying habits. Findrepparttar 124462 relevant directories, and figure out some method of choosing between shows. (see below)

Q3. Are there obvious ways to enhance my "Conversion Rate" —repparttar 124463 number of attendees who buy from me?

A3. Yes, of course. Having an attractive, eye-catching display is a good start. Getting a good location onrepparttar 124464 floor will help. Setting up your booth properly will help you "process"repparttar 124465 attendees more efficiently. Having a lead-gathering system will help you do more profitable follow up. Giving out memorable hand-outs will enhance your chances of being recognized later on. Training your booth staff could make an important difference.

Ask yourself a few more questions like this to get yourself inrepparttar 124466 right frame of mind. Then you'll be ready to start preparing your trade show budget.

Charting your costs —repparttar 124467 first side ofrepparttar 124468 Trade Show Budget

Begin by assemblingrepparttar 124469 following information (and anything else that seems relevant as you go along):

Find a trade show directory for your industry (online isrepparttar 124470 best source), or check outrepparttar 124471 major trade show venues or exhibition companies. They will put you onrepparttar 124472 right track very quickly. Selectrepparttar 124473 10 most promising looking shows — based on your "gut feeling" about their potential for your campaign. Make a chart and listrepparttar 124474 five or six most relevant bits of information for each of your most promising venues:

— Location, — Date — Booth space cost — Number of attendees — Geographic area served — Other space-related costs Add some columns to your chart where you can list other costs that are location-dependent:

— Travel costs to and fromrepparttar 124475 show — Additional things to rent or buy atrepparttar 124476 show (tables, power, etc.) — Accommodation costs for booth staff — Shipping costs for booth display(s) and materials — Vehicle rentals required etc. Think aboutrepparttar 124477 actual "sales process" and what you will need to have a successful one. Think of these as"one-time" costs, with your objective being to nail things down (or at least projectrepparttar 124478 costs) for your entire show campaign.

— Display booth design and production — Product literature — Hand outs — Staff training — Show promotion (free passes to clients, etc.) Estimating Your Sales —repparttar 124479 other side ofrepparttar 124480 Trade Show Budget

Now take your best stab at guessing what your Conversion Rate might be. By this I meanrepparttar 124481 number of buyers per 1000 attendees. If you're a wedding photographer, take a guess at how many bookings you might get. If you're selling widgets ask yourself how many you're likely to sell as a direct result ofrepparttar 124482 campaign.

I know it is next to impossible to get this number right. But you might surprise yourself. And in any event, you need a "target" to justify entering intorepparttar 124483 campaign inrepparttar 124484 first place. Don't let yourself fall intorepparttar 124485 "I'm doing this for long term exposure" trap. This is a very expensive, and quite inefficient way to get long term exposure. Go for short term exposure, immediate sales, or at leastrepparttar 124486 opportunity to make immediate follow ups. Focus on what you have to do to get sales NOW. And if you don't think you can pull that off, then don't start a trade show campaign!

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