Want to retire at 18? Panama might be the place for you

Written by Sydney Tremayne

Panama’s program for retirees is said to berepparttar best inrepparttar 136922 world. There is no age limit to qualify forrepparttar 136923 Tourist Pensionado Visa Program. You need only to be able to prove a monthly pension or retirement income of US$500 from a government or corporation, plus US$100 for each dependent. Legally, you could be as young as 18 to retire in Panama. You will need documentation proving your pension income, certified and stamped byrepparttar 136924 Panamanian embassy in your country of origin, plus a valid passport and a clear police record forrepparttar 136925 past five years. If you don’t have a pension, you can still qualify by depositing sufficient funds inrepparttar 136926 National Bank of Panama to generate $750 a month. This amount covers any number of dependents. Alternatively, you could start a qualified tourism-related business, or invest in a forestry project. You must use a Panamanian immigration lawyer, pass a medical on arrival in Panama and be tested free of HIV. Your legal representative will shepherd you throughrepparttar 136927 immigration office, once to register various documents and a second time to have your photograph taken and be presented with your identity card (carnet). Carry this card with you at all times. You can be fined for not doing so. Prior to receiving your carnet, carry your passport or a photocopy of it. Legal expenses and fees can vary depending on size of family and complexity, but should be around $1,500 for one person, or $2,000 for a couple.

Amusement Parks and Theme Parks In Germany -- Part 3 of 3

Written by Marcus Hochstadt

Inrepparttar past two parts of this report I told you about 7 TOP German Amusement Parks and Theme Parks, whose ensure you gain an unforgettable day (and a lot more).

So, with that having said, you also have to consider how much time you will have when you are in such Theme Parks. Imagine this, you would like to enjoy one more attraction, but you would have to queue up for approx. 120 minutes? Yeah, not unusual in those TOP German Amusement Parks!

Nevertheless,repparttar 136889 fact that you have my advice and guidance, you will be able to "prevent" yourself from such annoying situations.

Question, would you like to save approx. 50% of your valuable time while being in such TOP German Amusement Parks and Theme Parks? Yes? Okay, then read on... ;-)

Step 1

The main visiting day is Sunday, followed by Saturday. If it is possible for you thus, visitrepparttar 136890 parks underrepparttar 136891 week, between Monday and Friday. You will otherwise be annoyed to have yourself queue up 1 or 2 hours long for only one ride. That can be pesky.

Step 2

Take your time for each park. I recommend taking one complete day, at huge parks perhaps even two days. You are annoyed otherwise to have missed important attractions. Even though our Amusement Parks aren't as big as Disney World in Paris or in Orlando, you should not put yourself in a rush.

Step 3

Journey on very early. Be there before they open their gates. Early inrepparttar 136892 morningrepparttar 136893 park is empty, and you gain a more pleasant and faster overview. And if you travel by car, it's common you find a parking lot quite close torepparttar 136894 entrance. That saves some time as well.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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