Want To Know More About Cruises & Cruise Ships?

Written by Norm Goldman, Editor of SketchandTravel.com & Bookpleasures.com

Today, Norm Goldman Editor of Sketchandtravel.com, is pleased to have as a guest of Sketchandtravel.com Douglas Ward, author of Ocean Cruising & Cruise Ships 2005, now into its twentieth year of publication, published by Berlitz Publishing.

Thank you Douglas for accepting our invitation to be interviewed.


Douglas could you tell us something about yourself and why did you want to write a book about cruising and cruise ships?


I had worked aboard passenger ships for 17 years before forming an association of cruise passengers, who were looking for more comparative information about cruise ships and cruising. So was bornrepparttar idea forrepparttar 133957 book, which started with 120 ships and 256 pages. Today, after 20 years,repparttar 133958 book has grown to include 256 ocean-going ships, 656 pages, and half a million words.


I noticed your first book on cruises and cruise ships was published twenty years ago, and you have been updating your book every year. How do you go about gathering material every year for these updates and how long does it take you to update your annual book?


First, it takes me a minimum of three hours a day, every single day ofrepparttar 133959 year, just to keeprepparttar 133960 book refreshed, up-to-date, and accurate. I also travel extensively, as much as 250 days each year. So, of course, I write while I am traveling, visiting, and sailing aboardrepparttar 133961 world's cruise ships.


What makes cruises so appealing to honeymooners?


Cruises takerepparttar 133962 hassle out of planning a honeymoon, particularly with regard to language, cuisine/meals, entertainment, and so many other things that go towards making a honeymoon a fine, affordable vacation, and a complete escape fromrepparttar 133963 pressures of life ashore. Actually, it's also a good way to find out how a newlywed couple cope with living in a small space.


Are you seeing more weddings performed on cruise ships lately? What should cruisers know about cruise ship weddings?


By nature of their (out ofrepparttar 133964 ordinary) appeal, more weddings are being performed aboard cruise ships today, simply because there is so much help at hand. The larger cruise lines have personnel dedicated to handling weddings and honeymoons, andrepparttar 133965 instant support of other personnel in cruise line head offices to draw from. Weddings can, in other words, be tailored completely torepparttar 133966 individuals concerned (and withoutrepparttar 133967 interference of well-meaning parents and other family members who can create stress and pressure on couples about to undergo, what is for many,repparttar 133968 most important ceremony of their lives).


With so many cruise possibilities, how does one go about choosing a cruise and what should people take into consideration before deciding on any one cruise?


Choosing a cruise successfully depends on one's personal requirements and expectations from a vacation. First-time cruise goers would be well advised to talk to an established cruise booking specialist, who will be able to help you to chooserepparttar 133969 right ship and cruise, forrepparttar 133970 right reasons, taking into account your personal tastes and socio-economic considerations. There are so many choices today that there should be a ship and cruise to suit evenrepparttar 133971 most demanding and finicky of people. Perhapsrepparttar 133972 first decision, however, should be to establish how many days you can take for your vacation (including travel days to get to/fromrepparttar 133973 ship), and then think aboutrepparttar 133974 area you would like to cruise in. The most popular regions includerepparttar 133975 Caribbean, Alaska, Europe, Norwegian fjords and Baltic ports, and southeast Asia/Australasia. Those with more time who want more involvement with nature should consider visiting Antarctica orrepparttar 133976 Arctic regions (you would ideally need about three weeks). Then there is perhapsrepparttar 133977 ultimate in long distance cruising an aroundrepparttar 133978 world cruise, which typically would take three to four months (most ships offering complete aroundrepparttar 133979 world cruises there are about 15 in 2005  sail between January and April away from winter).


Have you had any bad experiences on a cruise, and if so, please describe them.


I have had many bad experiences, but most of them cannot be written about, and most have been aboard ships and cruise lines that no longer exist, or have changed their names. However, there have been a few nasty transatlantic crossings (I have done 152 of them), whenrepparttar 133980 weather can throw some unexpected wrenches into what otherwise is perhaps a wonderful, serene way of traveling betweenrepparttar 133981 Old and New Worlds.


After deciding on a particular cruise, how do you plan forrepparttar 133982 cruise and what important elements should you keep in mind?


Make sure you chooserepparttar 133983 right size ship for your needs. Do you want to be with 100, 500, 1000, or 3000 other passengers? Do you want to experience cruising under sail; cruising with specialist lecturers; be aboard a ship with spa facilities, large-scale production shows (a la Las Vegas), lots of gaming, or shopping opportunities? Whichever cruise you choose, try to makerepparttar 133984 travel arrangements as simple as possible. Sometimes,repparttar 133985 mere act of getting to and from your chosen cruise ship (or embarkation point) can prove frustrating. If you are a first-time cruise goer, try not to do everything on your first cruise it could end up being more like an endurance test.


Can you tell our readers something aboutrepparttar 133986 different cabins that are available on cruises and what to look out for?


First-timers would be best advised to book an outside cabin (a cabin with an outside view) rather than an interior (no view) cabin. So, when you wake up, you won't be disoriented, and youll be able to see whatrepparttar 133987 weather is like, which helps you decide what to wear each day. Typically,repparttar 133988 more space you want,repparttar 133989 higherrepparttar 133990 cost. Large suites with private balconies costrepparttar 133991 most (some can measure up to 3000 square feet), while interior cabins that measure as little as 70 square feet will, of course, feel incredibly small. Typically, you get what you pay for. The average cabin size aboard today's larger cruise ships (they are really floating resorts) would be approximately 180-200 square feet.

What Do You Know About Spas?

Written by Norm Goldman, Editor of Sketchandtravel.com & Bookpleasures.com

Today Norm Goldman, Editor of Sketchandtravel.com & Bookpleasures.com interviews Susie Ellis, President of Spa Finder Inc.


Could you tell us a little about yourself and your expertise in spas, and why you became interested in them?


I was athletic in my youth and naturally gravitated toward being as healthy as possible. After college inrepparttar mid 70's, I began working atrepparttar 133956 Golden Door Spa which, unbeknownst to me atrepparttar 133957 time, wasrepparttar 133958 top spa inrepparttar 133959 country. After spending many years on staff, I became enthralled with how people's lives were transformed after just a one-week stay at this famous place. I decided to make spa my life's work, andrepparttar 133960 combination of movement, good nutrition, spa therapies and a mind/body/spirit approach to wellness became a passion. And lucky for me,repparttar 133961 spa industry, which was just emerging atrepparttar 133962 time, was poised for explosive growth.


Why have spas continued to grow and have become popular overrepparttar 133963 past several years?


I see three general trends that have come together to precipitaterepparttar 133964 popularity of spas.

1. The aging baby boomer. This demographic wants to maintain youth and vigor. Spas are a perfect place to achieve these goals.

2. Stress. The non-stop bombardment of information and connectivity is creating a need for people to have places to decompress, de-stress, slow down and pay attention to their body, mind and spirit.

3. A troubled health care system means people of all ages must become more responsible for their wellness and health.


How do you go about identifying top-notch romantic spas in terms of quality of treatment, fitness, relaxation, location, atmosphere, and staff?


Trulyrepparttar 133965 best way to identify romantic spas is to consultrepparttar 133966 romantic/honeymoon spa category on www.spafinder.com. There are almost 50 romantic spas listed. Spa Finder's mission is to connect people with their ideal spa experience, and we also present spas in 20 other categories such as: weight loss spas, spas for horseback riding, hiking spas, spas for yoga, etc.


As a follow up which ones would makerepparttar 133967 top ten on your list?


Here are a few of my favorite romantic spas inrepparttar 133968 U.S.:

Mirbeau, New York

Chateau Elan, Georgia

Miramante Resort & Spa, California

Silverado, California

Emerson, New York

The Spa at Sundance, Utah

Hampton Retreats, New York

Mana Lani , Hawaii

Sanctuary on Camelback Mountain, Arizona

Westglow, North Carolina

Outside ofrepparttar 133969 U.S.:

Brenner's Park, Baden Baden, Germany

CuisinArt Resort & Spa, Anguilla

El Santuario, Mexico

Samas, Park Kenmare Hotel, Ireland

Echo Valley Ranch Resort, Canada


What arerepparttar 133970 benefits of spa treatments for honeymooners and romantic getaways for couples in search of de-stress?


There are many ways to de-stress and spas specialize in this. Exercise is an excellent de-stresser. Bathing in hot water is a de-stresser. Massages are for manyrepparttar 133971 ultimate de-stresser. At spas people typically leave their outside world behind, they slow down and their bodies become more relaxed. A spa has nurturing staff and there is lovely food that doesn't intoxicate but rather revitalizes. I think that what spas do is help us get back to who we really are and connecting at that level is always romantic.


What spa treatments are especially recommended for those new torepparttar 133972 spa experience?


I think a good place to start for a newcomer is with a Swedish Massage and a facial. These are stillrepparttar 133973 most favorite spa treatments because people love them. Although there are many wonderful treatments on most spa's menus, such as hot stone massage, Ayruvedic treatments or even body scrubs and wraps, I would not recommend them forrepparttar 133974 first time spa-goer.

For a first time romantic experience, I would suggest choosing a "couple's massage" where both of you are inrepparttar 133975 same room for your treatment. Sometimes this can include a bathing ritual forrepparttar 133976 two of you together before or after...very romantic!

And finally, if a spa has a "signature treatment" that might also be a good place for a first time spa-goer to begin. Often this is an experience with more than one element - like a scrub and a massage, or a foot ritual and massage, etc.

And I do suggest that a person letrepparttar 133977 receptionist know that this is their first time spa experience so thatrepparttar 133978 attendant and therapist can be a bit more thorough about explaining procedures and protocol.


What is meant by "destination spas," and how do you differentiate them from other spas as well as between themselves?


That's a great question and I'm glad you asked. Inrepparttar 133979 world of spas we segment them into various categories. The most general categories are resort/hotel spas, day spas and destination spas. The resort/hotel spa is part of a hotel or resort where there are also activities such as golf, tennis, fine dining, etc. The spa is one ofrepparttar 133980 amenities. A day spa is a place where people go for a spa experience but do not stay overnight - this can be for one spa treatment or for several or even for an entire day. Then there isrepparttar 133981 destination spa. Think of them as places to stay overnight with programs that makes it a full immersion spa experience. In other words, everyone is there forrepparttar 133982 spa experience. Canyon Ranch Health Resorts andrepparttar 133983 Golden Door are good examples of a destination spa. La Costa or The Doral are examples of resort/hotel spas and Bliss or Elizabeth Arden's Red Door are examples of day spas.

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