Want PR's Full Value?

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count is 860 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 2003.

Want PR’s Full Value?

Make sure somebody is worrying about those outside audience behaviors you need to help reach your objectives.

And I meanrepparttar kind of behaviors you like: prospective buyers browsing your services or products; specifying sources or major donors thinking about you; more frequent repeat purchases; new proposals for joint ventures or strategic alliances; elected officials who increasingly view you as a mover and shaker inrepparttar 105018 business, non-profit or association communities.

All doable when you base your public relations program on a reality such as this: People act on their own perception ofrepparttar 105019 facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors about which something can be done. When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired-actionrepparttar 105020 very people whose behaviors affectrepparttar 105021 organizationrepparttar 105022 most,repparttar 105023 public relations mission is accomplished.

Your payoff isrepparttar 105024 kind of key stakeholder behavior change that leads directly to achieving your objectives.

Here’s one way to make it happen.

Consider those outside audiences whose actions you know have a serious impact on your organization. Then put them in order of how badly those impacts affect you. We can work right now onrepparttar 105025 first audience on that list.

The obvious question is, how do members of that target audience perceive your organization? To find out, you and your colleagues are going to have to meet with audience members and ask such questions as, “Do you have an opinion about our organization? How much do you know about us? Have you ever had dealings with us? Were they satisfactory?”

While you monitor those perceptions, be sure to stay alert to negative comments, and even to suspicious tones of voice inrepparttar 105026 responses. Watch carefully for untruths, false assumptions, inaccuracies, misconceptions or hurtful rumors which, left unattended, could do you some damage.

With that response data in hand, you can decide exactly which problem isrepparttar 105027 most severe, then establish it as your public relations goal. For instance, correct a false assumption, clarify a misconception, or spike a rumor that’s just dead wrong.

Every goal needs a strategy showing what needs to be done, if that goal is to be achieved. When it comes to matters of perception and opinion, there are just three strategy choices available to you: change existing perception, reinforce it, or create perception/opinion where none may exist. Be careful thatrepparttar 105028 strategy you select is a good fit with your public relations goal.

Hiring Logistics Professionals: The Up (and Downside) of a Buyers Market

Written by Dave Ricker

Hiring "A" talent to fill a B or C level position can be an expensive corporate mistake. Every day, we talk to candidates who say, "I just took this job to hold me over. Please keep me in mind for any other opportunities."

Even though today's candidate market is a buyers market, top logistics professionals should be offered a full salary appropriate with experience and background. If not,repparttar overqualified candidate may accept a lower salary as a stop-gap measure untilrepparttar 105017 next job opportunity comes along with an increased base salary and corporate recognition.


Corporate position is for an experienced Global Supply Chain Professional to link worldwide locations. Budgeted salary level: $80,000 - $90,000 base plus bonus plus benefits Qualified Candidates: 1) 2-3 Local candidates with 7-12 yrs experience 2) Candidates' previous salaries ranged from $85,000 to $115,000 base plus bonus Recommendation: Hirerepparttar 105018 right candidate. Do not expectrepparttar 105019 more experienced $115,000 base professional to be satisfied with a $90,000 base. If a threat of "other candidates inrepparttar 105020 pipeline would eagerly take this salary thenrepparttar 105021 offer is most likely not going out torepparttar 105022 right candidate.

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