Walking with Gratitude

Written by Joyce Moseley Pierce

Walking with Gratitude Joyce Moseley Pierce

During this season of gratitude and thanksgiving, I wanted to write about something we do every day with very little thought. Something we’ve been doing since we were very small. Most of us did it before we even talked. I’m talking about walking.

The way I see it, there are basically four reasons we walk

1.Travel – To get from one place to another. We don’t even think about getting up each morning and walking from our bed torepparttar bathroom, but I watched my elderly grandmother as an invalid for many years and gained an appreciation for my ability to get up and go wherever I wanted without help from anyone else.

2.Pleasure – I remember taking walks with my grandfather and my dad as a child, and that tradition has continued with my own grandkids. Whenrepparttar 111490 grandkids come to visit, they love to walk down torepparttar 111491 lake in our neighborhood to feed repparttar 111492 ducks. Part ofrepparttar 111493 enjoyment, I believe, is just being away from everyone else. We walk, we talk, and we just enjoy one another’s company. When I was in Las Vegas forrepparttar 111494 birth of a new granddaughter, I walkedrepparttar 111495 other two kids to school one day. My granddaughter, Olivia, who was 5 atrepparttar 111496 time, stopped other kids alongrepparttar 111497 way to say, “My grandma is walking me to school.” She was so proud, and I am so thankful to haverepparttar 111498 health to be able to walk with her.

3.Exercise – Walking is one ofrepparttar 111499 best ways to exercise. You can walk atrepparttar 111500 pace you need to reachrepparttar 111501 desired heart rate. All you need is a pair of good walking shoes. No clubs to join. No classes to attend. You can walk duringrepparttar 111502 day or at night. Inside or out. Inrepparttar 111503 mall or on a treadmill. If you need more of a challenge, you can carry a backpack with additional weight, or you can swing your arms to raise your heartrate. You will find that your legs have to move as fast as your arms. Even if you’re uncoordinated, it is impossible for your legs not to follow your arms. Try it.

Fabric Holiday Bags

Written by Joyce Moseley Pierce

Fabric Holiday Bags by: Joyce Moseley Pierce - 641 words

As my children were growing up, it always bothered me to buy wrapping paper only to see it ripped open and thrown inrepparttar fireplace or trash after Christmas gifts were opened. I tried using comics but soon discovered I didn't likerepparttar 111489 black newsprint it left on my hands and everyone else's. For me, gift wrap was right up there with fireworks - we spent good money only to see it go up in smoke. I began to look for a solution.

I bought craft paper and stenciled things on it, but still, I feltrepparttar 111490 paper was going to waste. Then one year after Christmas I saw holiday fabric on sale and had an idea! I bought yard after yard of it on clearance and brought it home to make gift bags.

I cutrepparttar 111491 fabric in various sizes. Sometimes I only got 2-3 bags out of a yard, but I knew that they would be able to holdrepparttar 111492 bigger items, and better yet - I would be able to reuse them next year. I basically cut and sewed them like a pillowcase. I sewed a seam up three sides and leftrepparttar 111493 top open. Then I turned that edge in slightly and stitched it onrepparttar 111494 machine to finish it off. Then I folded it in about 3 inches (or more on bigger bags) and hemmed it. I then put another row of stitching about a half inch above that one to create a casing forrepparttar 111495 ribbon. I slipped a piece of ribbon throughrepparttar 111496 casing and tied it shut. If you have nosey kids, you may want to tie a knot!

Oncerepparttar 111497 gifts are stuffed inrepparttar 111498 fabric bags and poofed up with tissue paper, stand them up aroundrepparttar 111499 tree and enjoy your creative artwork! They look like miniature Santa bags. The best thing, besidesrepparttar 111500 fact that inrepparttar 111501 long run you are saving money by not buying wrapping paper, is that you don't spend hours wrappingrepparttar 111502 gifts and don't need scotch tape or bows. One satin ribbon will lastrepparttar 111503 lifetime ofrepparttar 111504 bag. I still use gift tags and punch a hole in them so they can be run throughrepparttar 111505 ribbon. You might save old Christmas cards and cut them up for gift tags.

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