W.H.O. gets cancer?

Written by Simon Mitchell

Below The World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) summarise what we know about cancer from scientific research:

Cancer is largely preventable: by stopping smoking, providing healthy food and avoidingrepparttar exposure to carcinogens. Some ofrepparttar 147755 most frequent cancer types are curable by surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The chance of cure increases substantially if cancer is detected early. Quality of life of cancer patients and their families can be greatly improved byrepparttar 147756 provision of palliative care. Cancer control is a public health approach aimed at reducing causes and consequences of cancer by translating our knowledge into practice.

Recommendations fromrepparttar 147757 World Health Organisation concerning cancer include action inrepparttar 147758 following areas:

· minimising or eliminating exposure to cancer causes · reducing individual susceptibility torepparttar 147759 effects of these causes · servingrepparttar 147760 greatest public health potential · identifyingrepparttar 147761 most cost-effective long-term cancer control · tobacco control · obesity control · control of composition ofrepparttar 147762 diet · control of consumption of alcoholic beverages

The World Health Organisation sees cancer prevention programmes as part of integrated, national strategies. The risks they identify for cancer above are common to all noncommunicable diseases including heart, diabetes and respiratory problems. Prevention programmes for all chronic diseases are able to userepparttar 147763 same surveillance and health promotion techniques. According to WHO recognised causes of cancer include:

· occupational and environmental exposure to a number of chemicals · links between a number of infections and certain types of cancer · parasitic infection schistosomiasis · exposure to some forms of ionising radiation · excessive ultraviolet radiation

WILD WATERCRESS SOUP (Nasturtium Officinale)

Written by Simon Mitchell

Watercress can sometimes be found inrepparttar wild. In addition to containing high vitamin C content and antioxidant Beta-carotene, it contains vitamin E and is a natural antibiotic. It is sometimes used in complementary medicine to speed uprepparttar 147754 body's detoxification processes.

Watercress is rich in Vitamins A and C, iron, iodine and phosphorus. It can be used inrepparttar 147755 treatment of: skin problems bronchitis winter colds or flu liver or kidney fatigue sinusitis Watercress has been used as part of a holistic response to cancer ofrepparttar 147756 lungs, larynx, esophagus, prostate, bladder, uterus, stomach and intestines.

DANGERS: Watercress may cause cystitis in some people and its medicinal use is not advised for those who have a delicate stomach or suffer from acidosis or heartburn. Excessive or prolonged use can lead to kidney problems. Some doctors advise against its use during pregnancy.

Wild watercress often grows in streams inhabited by water snails which carry liver fluke. There is alsorepparttar 147757 possibility of bacterial infection. Eating wild watercress in a raw state is not advised for this reason. Cookingrepparttar 147758 leaves for a short period removesrepparttar 147759 dangers.

Also make sure thatrepparttar 147760 watercourse feedingrepparttar 147761 stream in whichrepparttar 147762 wild watercress grows is free from industrial or agricultural pollution.

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