Written by Meredith Pond

If you're trying to do business anywhere, especially online, you can never overestimaterepparttar impact and importance of good old- fashioned credibility.

Any brick-and-mortar, street corner business has at least some level of credibility. The fact that these businesses have an established, tangible presence, physical inventory, and staff gives any traditional businessperson a certain level of reliability inrepparttar 129829 eyes of consumers. Online however, such credibility is much harder to come by. An Internet storefront or other online business has no roof overhead, no shingle to hang, and no inventory for consumers to pick up and examine. This puts a certain distance between buyer and seller, and that breeds uncertainty in a lot of consumers.

When doing business online,repparttar 129830 only way to instill confidence and trust in potential customers is through your website. Your website, forrepparttar 129831 most part, is made up of nothing but WORDS, WORDS, WORDS.

If your website copy is full of typos, grammatical errors, and unbelievable guarantees, your credibility is likely to suffer. Onrepparttar 129832 other hand, a site that is well-written, easy to read, and full of useful information makes your business seem stable, reliable, and credible. Inrepparttar 129833 eyes of consumers, your web site IS your business, so a site full of mistakes is a business not worth buying from.

Each discipline has its own language

Written by John Warzecha

English scholars may use such language as "stream of consciousness", while economists may speak of "market maximization". Unfortunately this makes it indecipherable to everyone else. Individuals not directly involved inrepparttar discipline, or a related field, are left thinking thatrepparttar 129827 language is convoluted and not worthrepparttar 129828 time and effort to understand. Perhaps there is safety in isolation but in this safety there isrepparttar 129829 potential for losing your audience.

Words, or ratherrepparttar 129830 control of words and hencerepparttar 129831 control of language, have given one a sense of power. If some language confuses, then there may berepparttar 129832 impression that one is somehow superior over someone who does not understandrepparttar 129833 language. This isrepparttar 129834 great democratizing feature ofrepparttar 129835 Internet.

Unfortunately there has now developed a separate language that has become exclusive torepparttar 129836 Internet and it has hadrepparttar 129837 effect of scaring many people away from active use ofrepparttar 129838 net. It is true that there has been a phenomenal increase in business onrepparttar 129839 net but in many casesrepparttar 129840 use is restricted to e-mail and basic research for papers or reports. Many individuals need a very precise explanation or understanding and yet while they are surfing aroundrepparttar 129841 net they come across a word such as "e-zines" (which means a newsletter sent through e-mail) and now their enthusiasm is tempered. This is not to suggest that people usingrepparttar 129842 net are linguistically challenged in some way. They merely want to understandrepparttar 129843 language without having to resort to a technical dictionary.

Perhapsrepparttar 129844 introduction ofrepparttar 129845 Apple computer can serve as an illustration. When individuals began working on computers, there was constant frustration for people who were able to userepparttar 129846 computer but who were not literate enough to work their way throughrepparttar 129847 myriad of DOS prompts. The concept of a user friendly system openedrepparttar 129848 door for Apple with its user friendly Icons and point and click method. What could be easier? Nowrepparttar 129849 computer could be used by everyone and not justrepparttar 129850 technologically gifted. Computers were now taking on some human attributes - so to speak.

This kind of democratization ofrepparttar 129851 Internet is also necessary. Why should a potential user, especially someone who wants to set up a web page, but who does not necessarily possessrepparttar 129852 technical expertise, be faced with phrases that talk of "switch offrepparttar 129853 external CPU cache in your PC's Bios" or "paid-rank" search engine." This is a case whererepparttar 129854 old "kiss" (keep it simple stupid) would prove effective.

There is a power in language but that power does not have to be hidden through an over dependence on technical jargon. Gone arerepparttar 129855 days when a computer firm would fearfully bring a programmer into a meeting becauserepparttar 129856 typical programmer gaverepparttar 129857 impression of having lived in another time zone while operating as a social outcast.

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