WIN THE “YEAH BUT” GAME in 5 Easy Steps

Written by Laurie Weiss, Ph.D.

You knowrepparttar game, don’t you? Someone invites you to help them solve a big problem and every great suggestion you make is met with, “Yeah, but that won’t work because….” Frustrated and defeated, you finally give up.

Next time someone tells you about a problem, use these steps.

1. Listen politely, without offering any suggestions. Remember, it is not your problem.

2. Affirm thatrepparttar 104030 problem is really important. Just say, “That sounds like a really big problem.”

3. Ask, “What have you already tried (thought of) doing aboutrepparttar 104031 problem?” You learn allrepparttar 104032 suggestions to scratch off your list. And you subtly reinforcerepparttar 104033 capabilities ofrepparttar 104034 person withrepparttar 104035 problem.

4. After you hearrepparttar 104036 answer, ask, “How did that work out?” You inviterepparttar 104037 problem holder to rethink his or her own challenge. Often that leads to a solution onrepparttar 104038 spot, with thanks to you for your brilliant suggestions. (Of course, you have not made any suggestions, but that doesn’t really matter.)

5. Ask, “Is there anything you would like from me?” Oftenrepparttar 104039 answer will be, “No thanks, I have figured out what to do next.” If you are invited to do something more, you can choose to accept or decline with a much broader understanding ofrepparttar 104040 problem.

Avoid the Duds: 10 Strategies for Selecting "The Perfect Speaker"

Written by Susan Friedmann

Today, more than ever,repparttar success of meetings relies heavily onrepparttar 104029 strength of program content and presentation. Nothing can spoil a meeting more than hiringrepparttar 104030 wrong speaker. That’s because speakers do more than just conveyrepparttar 104031 overall meeting message. You look to them to provide insights, awareness, and cutting-edge information in an energetic, motivational, entertaining, and professional manner. What more could you ask for? Well,repparttar 104032 right speaker can emphasize an important message, offer inspiration, help people cope with new assignments, and leadrepparttar 104033 way towards change. Selectingrepparttar 104034 right speaker for your event is one ofrepparttar 104035 most important, yet daunting elements for creating a successful meeting. Your speaker can often make or breakrepparttar 104036 event. If he bombs, your reputation not only takes a severe nose-dive, but you also haverepparttar 104037 pleasure of dealing withrepparttar 104038 barrage of complaints from a disappointed audience. Yet, if he does well, you can walk away with many ofrepparttar 104039 accolades, compliments, and of course,repparttar 104040 rave reviews. By now, you probably realize that this massive responsibility is not to be taken lightly. Raise Your Expectations

The skill to selecting a great speaker is determining what combination of education, motivation, and entertainment best fits your function. Then set out to find a perfect match. But keep your expectations high, since nothing can spoil a meeting faster than bookingrepparttar 104041 wrong speaker. The following 10 guidelines should help you keep your focus and also keep you away fromrepparttar 104042 “duds.”

1. Knowrepparttar 104043 program objectives. Before you can start looking forrepparttar 104044 right speaker, you must knowrepparttar 104045 program objectives. Begin withrepparttar 104046 end in mind. What are you looking to achieve? Is this an annual meeting, a training program, an incentive get-together, an awards celebration, or another type of event? This will probably be a committee or management decision, rather than one you will have to make. But you may have to make an intangible concept tangible. 2. Understandrepparttar 104047 audience’s needs. Along withrepparttar 104048 program objectives, considerrepparttar 104049 needs of your audience. Does your group need industry-specific or technical information? Will a mix of motivation and entertainment serve your group’s purpose? Today’s audiences are generally younger, more educated, more diverse, and more sophisticated than inrepparttar 104050 past. They want content. They want to learn, but they also want it to be fun, so considerrepparttar 104051 audience needs and exactly what they expect. Consider surveying your audience. Ask them what they want or what skills would most help them in their jobs. For example, sales people may ask for advanced selling skills, but managers may request teambuilding programs. 3. Check for reputation. With countless speakers out there vying for your business, how can you possibly determine which one best meets your needs? Many speakers produce highly professional or glitzy marketing materials to help sell their services. You must look deeper than simply scanning a few brochures and ask pointed questions to findrepparttar 104052 right fit, such as What experience does this speaker have? How familiar is this speaker with this industry? and, Who else has used this person? 4. “Test drive” your prospects. If you don’t haverepparttar 104053 opportunity to preview a speaker in person, thenrepparttar 104054 next best thing is to request a video or audio recording of a previous presentation. A session that was recorded before a live audience gives you a better sense of a person’s real ability. Watch or listen carefully to howrepparttar 104055 speaker builds rapport and interacts withrepparttar 104056 audience. Ask yourself if this person would be right for your group. Isrepparttar 104057 combination of education, motivation, and entertainment appropriate for your needs? Doesrepparttar 104058 speaker have a message that is appropriate, timely, and relevant torepparttar 104059 theme or purpose of your event? Does it conform to your company’s philosophy and policy? Do you feelrepparttar 104060 speaker is genuine and hasrepparttar 104061 expertise to deliver a solid presentation? 5. Don’t be star-struck. If you are considering celebrity speakers, make sure they can speak! TV personalities do a great job onrepparttar 104062 air, but sometimes have little public speaking expertise, and you should be aware thatrepparttar 104063 skills needed for being on TV and for speaking live are very different. However, many well-known personalities make excellent speakers and can add enormous value and clout to your event. Politicians and sports, media, or entertainment celebrities often share life experiences, offer advice, or have an inspirational message to impart. 6. Be wary of grandiose claims. Speakers who claim to be all things to all people are probably desperate for work. Avoid them. True professional speakers, onrepparttar 104064 other hand, usually have certain areas or topics of expertise. They would much rather refer potential business to a true expert than jeopardize their reputation by trying to do a program outside of their knowledge zone. Also, beware ofrepparttar 104065 charismatic and fluffy speaker as your audience wants good, solid take-away value. 7. Provide and ask for good information. Reputable speakers want to find out as much as possible aboutrepparttar 104066 meeting objectives,repparttar 104067 audience, industry challenges, and so on in order to tailor their presentation torepparttar 104068 group. Share information on your organization and audience to helprepparttar 104069 speaker design a program to fit your specific needs. provide them with newsletters, catalogs, or any other publications that highlight industry trends, key people, industry jargon or buzz words, and insider news and views.

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