Written by ARTHUR ZULU

Author: Arthur Zulu Contact Author: mailto: controversialwriter@yahoo.com Copyright: Copyright © Arthur Zulu 2002 Word Count: 606 Web Address: http://www.1stbooks.com/bookview/10975

Publishing Guidelines: Permission is granted to publish this article electronically or in print as long asrepparttar bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.


By Arthur Zulu

Once upon a time, there lived a madman who wanted to die a horrible death. He thought of two options forrepparttar 127711 final exit. Option one: Make a gigantic camp fire hotter thanrepparttar 127712 sun and jump into it. Option two: Dive into a sub zero degree ice and bury himself with glacier. Either ofrepparttar 127713 choices seemed appealing to him.

But hold on, before you think that this is a folk story from Mars. The story may soon play out, say some school of thought, who believe it isrepparttar 127714 world’s fate.

Only thatrepparttar 127715 characterization is wrong. Becauserepparttar 127716 madman is notrepparttar 127717 human race butrepparttar 127718 universe. And mankind has no choice. The universe will decide which is a better choice--fire or ice. Either choice is period for life.

How did we come to have such destiny?

It is because of howrepparttar 127719 universe started, they say. And how didrepparttar 127720 universe begin?

Scientists believe that inrepparttar 127721 beginning, space was one small dense point. Then suddenly this singularity expanded at a terrifying speed, spewing out gigantic stars and galaxies, and has continued to race to Heaven knows only where, ever after.

As to how life eventually began, well, this is biology made easy. Out of this non-living world, someday a micro-organism sprang out of one warm chemical soup inrepparttar 127722 ocean. And by some kind of clever maneuvering, yieldedrepparttar 127723 abundant variety of living species today, including man. Interesting story.

Now, it does not matter whether you believe this story or not. Or whether you even fully understand. In fact you are not supposed to understand it. So,repparttar 127724 ignorant you are,repparttar 127725 better.

You know that these things happened billions of years ago. And in those times, before man learnt to write, things happened spontaneously. Just like that, without any outside help.

They are not called miracles because scientists don’t live in a world of miracles. Call onerepparttar 127726 Big Bang, andrepparttar 127727 other, Evolution. That would suffice.


Written by ARTHUR ZULU


Author: Arthur Zulu Contact Author: mailto: controversialwriter@yahoo.com Copyright: Copyright © Arthur Zulu 2002 Word Count: 452 Web Address: http://www.1stbooks.com/bookview/10975

Publishing Guidelines: Permission is granted to publish this article electronically or in print as long asrepparttar bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.


By Arthur Zulu

Figure out this puzzle. What are these? Oropouche, Rocio, Chikungunya, Mokola, Duvenhage. Q. Guanarito, VEE, LeDantec, Sindbis, Marburg, O’nyongnyong. Yes, give me your answer.

“Names of new planets” No, come down to earth. “Names of new fish species” No, come offrepparttar 127710 river. “Botanical names”. No, leaverepparttar 127711 forest. “Characters in a Greek drama”. No, exit repparttar 127712 theater.

Ok. No idea. Let me help you. Now, try this.

“I amrepparttar 127713 greatest killer in this century. I was living under repparttar 127714 skin of chimpanzees, till some hungry bushmen invaded repparttar 127715 forest, killedrepparttar 127716 game and ate us up. Fromrepparttar 127717 forest to repparttar 127718 dinner table, I can now be found inrepparttar 127719 bodies of millions of persons, destroying their immune systems and sending them to their untimely graves. I have a cousin in this obituary business called HIV. What am I?”

Of course, you got it right -- AIDS. Sorepparttar 127720 saying goes in some quarters that someday, a plague would wipe outrepparttar 127721 world. But can they be right?

Well, if you see emerging new diseases, some with strange names as you saw inrepparttar 127722 above list, you would subscribe. The common trait about these diseases -- old and new, is that they are deadly and have defied medical cure.

Whenrepparttar 127723 Black Death swept ferociously across Europe inrepparttar 127724 thirteenth century, killing 25 million lives, and defying science, people thoughtrepparttar 127725 world was going to end. Well, neitherrepparttar 127726 world norrepparttar 127727 siege of deadly microbes came to an end. And there is no guarantee that man will one day discover an Almighty vaccine to wipe out these killer viruses.

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