Written by Niki Bohne

The key to succeeding inrepparttar market has always beenrepparttar 106822 ability to gain and maintain a competitive edge. Today's consumer is obsessed with speed and hasrepparttar 106823 false impression that speed lends itself to efficiency by default. Just because we are working faster doesn't mean we are working smarter, and as a resultrepparttar 106824 consumer often pays more for less. This speed-based commerce has evolved itself intorepparttar 106825 even greater "one stop shopping" phenomena. A phenomena which is fast becomingrepparttar 106826 defining factor surrounding an organization's ability to attract and retain quality clients.

Speed has come at a price forrepparttar 106827 consumer. As I listen to and participate in conversations, a common theme is that of people marvelling atrepparttar 106828 lack of customer service in industries acrossrepparttar 106829 board. They are not, however, willing to forego their "now not later" way of life. In exchange they have been forced to accept a lack of consistency and customer service and view it to be a necessary by-product ofrepparttar 106830 force that is driving their lives.

I believe that standardized methodologies can do nothing but

Why Your Business Could Fail And How To Prevent It From Happening

Written by Jim Davis and Larry Dotson

I have heard many former business owners give many reasons why their business failed. They have said it's becauserepparttar market was slow, their suppliers raised prices on them, too much competition, etc. It's usually because they didn't have enough entrepreneurial traits.

There are a wide range of entrepreneurial traits you need in order to run a profitable business. I'm not saying you need all of them, butrepparttar 106821 more you haverepparttar 106822 greater chance you'll succeed. It could also depend onrepparttar 106823 type of business you have.

You need to be goal oriented. Making reachable goals for your business is important. The goals will give you something to focus on and lead your business inrepparttar 106824 right direction. They can also give extra motivation to overcome your business problems and obstacles.

You need to have patience. Many business owners give up way to early. They think you can get rich over- night by starting their own business. You need to have a positive attitude and stick with it.

You need to haverepparttar 106825 energy. It's important to give yourselfrepparttar 106826 extra time out of your business life to eat healthy and exercise. You will have a healthier mind and body to workrepparttar 106827 long hours a business requires.

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