Written by Beka Ruse

The modern meaning ofrepparttar word "spam" has nothing to do with spiced ham. Inrepparttar 132806 early 1990's, a skit by British comedy group Monty Python led torepparttar 132807 word's common usage. "The SPAM Skit" follows a couple struggling to order dinner from a menu consisting entirely of Hormel's canned ham.

Repetition is key torepparttar 132808 skit's hilarity. The actors cram repparttar 132809 word "SPAM" intorepparttar 132810 2.5 minute skit more than 104 times! This flood prompted Usenet readers to call unwanted newsgroup postings "spam." The name stuck.

Spammers soon focused on e-mail, andrepparttar 132811 terminology moved with them. Today,repparttar 132812 word has come out of technical obscurity. Now, "spam" isrepparttar 132813 common term for "Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail", or "UCE."

---------------------------------- WHY DOES BAD SPAM HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE? ----------------------------------

Chances are, you've been spammed before. Somehow, your e-mail address has found it's way intorepparttar 132814 hands of a spammer, and your inbox is sufferingrepparttar 132815 consequences. How does this happen? There are several possibilities.

BACKSTABBING BUSINESSES - Businesses often keep lists of their customers' e-mail addresses. This is a completely legitimate practice and, usually, nothing bad comes of it. Sometimes though,repparttar 132816 temptation to make a quick buck is too great, and these lists are sold or rented to outside advertisers. The result? A lot of unsolicited e-mail, and a serious breach of trust.

RANDOM ADDRESS GENERATION - Computer programs called random address generators simply "guess" e-mail addresses. Over 100 million hotmail addresses exist – how hard could it be to guess some of them? Unfortunately for many unsuspecting netizens – not too hard. Many spammers also guess at "standard" addresses, like "support@yourdomain.com", "info@yourdomain.com", and "billing@yourdomain.com."

WEB SPIDERS - Today's most insidious list-gathering tools are web spiders. All ofrepparttar 132817 major search engines spiderrepparttar 132818 web, saving information about each page. Spammers use tools that also spiderrepparttar 132819 web, but save any *e-mail address* they come across. Your personal web page lists your e-mail address? Prepare for an onslaught!

CHAT ROOM HARVESTING - ISP's offer vastly popular chat rooms where users are known only by their screen names. Of course, spammers know that your screen name isrepparttar 132820 first part of your e-mail address. Why waste time guessing e-mail addresses when a few hours of lurking in a chat room can net a list of actively-used addresses?

THE POOR MAN'S BAD MARKETING IDEA - It didn't work forrepparttar 132821 phone companies, and it won't work for e-mail marketers. But, some spammers still keep their own friends-and-family- style e-mail lists. Compiled from repparttar 132822 addresses of other known spammers, and people or buisnesses thatrepparttar 132823 owner has come across inrepparttar 132824 past, these lists are still illegitimate. Why? Only you can give someone permission to send you e-mail. A friend-of-a-friend's permission won't cut it.

---------------------------------- STOP THE FLOOD TO YOUR INBOX ----------------------------------

Already drowning in spam? Try using your e-mail client's filters - many provide a way to block specific e-mail addresses. Each time you're spammed, blockrepparttar 132825 sender's address. Spammers skip from address to address, and you may be on many lists, but this method will at least slowrepparttar 132826 flow.

What Happens To The Spammer?

Written by Richard Lowe

Sometimes it's difficult to understand why spamming is considered one ofrepparttar most vile sins onrepparttar 132803 internet. After all, what harm does an extra email or two cause? And even ifrepparttar 132804 spammer is reported or caught, who cares? I mean, what happens to a spammer anyway?

We've all heard people say, "well, why not just hitrepparttar 132805 delete key?" I used to takerepparttar 132806 time to try and explainrepparttar 132807 problem to these people, but I've since realized that there is a brand of ignorance which cannot be penetrated by reason or logic. Now I just nod and smile, and changerepparttar 132808 subject.

Spam would not be so bad if it was just one or two emails now and then. Unfortunately, it's not just one person sending an unsolicited advertisement once a month - it's hundreds or even thousands. Andrepparttar 132809 emails are virtually always regarding some scam, a useless product or, very often, some pornographic or money making scheme. I've received tens of thousands of spam emails overrepparttar 132810 years, and not once has any of them ever been of value.

I don't understand why spammers don't getrepparttar 132811 message that their emails are unwanted. Why do they keep sending out their useless advertisements? Do people actually purchase anything from them? Do these people really make money?

Okay, so what happens to spammers anyway?

Your amateur spammer must feel very much like a criminal does. You see, they must hide their identities in any number of devious ways to prevent their ISP and web hosts from shutting them down. New laws are being passed which make these people into real criminals, making it even more important that they remain hidden.

1) When an ISP or web host begins receiving dozens of spam reports on someone using their services, they will typically cancel first and ask questions later. Thus, your average spammer is constantly losing his hosting services and always searching for another ISP. He has to - he keeps getting kicked out when his misdeeds is discovered.

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