Written by Craig Lock

I believe that heredity (the genes that you inherit) have some part in forming attitudes. However, most important in shaping them, isrepparttar family environment, especially in your early childhood:repparttar 124105 impressionable years up torepparttar 124106 age of seven. Also critical are your lifetime experiences and events (whether happy or traumatic) in later years. What is happening in your life today, yesterday and all those past years. There are three areas of life in which your attitudes are formed.

1. A sense of BELONGING which is picked up before birth. The "vibes" inrepparttar 124107 womb ofrepparttar 124108 mother (hard to be a father in this process) will determine whether we are really want- ed byrepparttar 124109 mother, and this can determine our degree of security (or insecurity) in later life.

2. Your sense of WORTH will be determined by your im- mediate family in your early childhood. They instil in you an inner sense of well-being and of being loved. The role of mothers and fathers is critical inrepparttar 124110 socialization process forrepparttar 124111 development of your attitudes. Their expectations of you play a big part in your life script.

3. Your sense of COMPETENCE will also originate inrepparttar 124112 family environment. That is why it is very important to praise and encourage children. If they are continually repr- imanded, children will feel that they can't ever do things right. This then develops intorepparttar 124113 child thinking, "I am a person of no worth who is no good at anything." This atti- tude grows over time and can be re-inforced inrepparttar 124114 working environment. Even extremely competent business execu- tives can feel insecure on a personal level and have difficulty in personal relationships.


Golda Meier, an earlier Prime Minister of Israel, was once asked what made Israel such a success againstrepparttar 124115 might ofrepparttar 124116 united Arab armies. Israel, as you most probably know, is a small country set inrepparttar 124117 middle of a desert, with virtually no natural resources and no wealth. Meier replied, "All that my country has isrepparttar 124118 spirit of it's people. Ifrepparttar 124119 people lost their spirit, not evenrepparttar 124120 might ofrepparttar 124121 United States of America could save us." A right attitude through- outrepparttar 124122 country overcame allrepparttar 124123 odds and insurmountable difficulties throughout it's turbulent history.

The top salesman for Bell telephones in America is a quadri- plegic. Although he can only blink his eyes and open his mouth, his attitude and perseverance have made him num- ber one. (Stanford University after doing extensive research, said that all success is 87.5% as a result of your attitudes. Your skills, abilities and knowledge make uprepparttar 124124 other 12.5%).


1. Enlistrepparttar 124125 co-operation of a positive close friend that you can confide in. Share your personal goals and dreams. Ig- norerepparttar 124126 "knockers" who will try to put you down out of jeal- ousy (the "tall poppy syndrome" so prevalent here in New Zealand, but especially Australia). 2. Seek outrepparttar 124127 right people (successful and enthusiastic ones who haverepparttar 124128 right attitude). DON'T NEGLECT YOUR OLD FRIENDS TO GET IDEAS , but remember, your poten- tial has nothing to do with your ultimate performance.

3. Select a model to emulate or follow...who you would like to be like? (Only if you are not happy withrepparttar 124129 way you are.)

4. Learn from your mistakes. Daley Thompson,repparttar 124130 former great British athlete inrepparttar 124131 decathlon said..."I will learn more than any other experience from my failures than my successes." In his goal setting, Thompson was content to grow slowly, be- cause slow growth is more solid, and he did it in small steps.

Look beyond your mistakes and savour successful experiences. Don't feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about your achieve- ments. Make daily affirmations to yourself that you are doing well and are onrepparttar 124132 right track. Reward yourself for minor achievements, or steps onrepparttar 124133 road to your bigger goals. Give yourself credit, no matter how small your achievements, because mental rewards will boost your motivation. All rewards must come from within. This conditioning will cult- ivate a positive attitude in you. (Just like Pavlov's dogs were con- ditioned to salivate through association of ideas.) I remem- ber that from my studies in psychology many many moons ago.

Look forward to positive outcomes and rehearse them in your mind, rather than anticipating failure. Don't repeat bad experiences-our attitude ties us down and limits us, so that mediocrity becomes our destiny.

5. Makerepparttar 124134 most of any situation you find yourself in. Try not to be anxious. Things will work out inrepparttar 124135 end.

6. Avoid self-pity. Resilient people don't feel sorry for them- selves too long. The person who wallows in self-pity or bitter ness spends too much time on introspection and not enough time plotting a comeback.


Written by Craig Lock

"You are today what you thought about yesterday You will be tomorrow what you think about today, Every attitude is positive or negative, It doesn't matter what happens to you, It is how you take it that matters."

"Inrepparttar game of life you can be up one moment and down repparttar 124104 next. The reason is not luck as in snakes and ladders, butrepparttar 124105 attitudes you choose consciously or unconsciously." Your attitude will determine your entire outlook on life and how you seerepparttar 124106 world- happy or sad, positive or negative. You can choose to see it through rose-coloured spectacles (the eternal optimist who is out of touch with reality). You can also see everything as dark clouds (the absolute pes- simist), or choose to see that every dark cloud has a silver lining, which is a good attitude to have. Well it's true anyway!

I amrepparttar 124107 eternal optimist, out of touch, some say. Some people pick uprepparttar 124108 doom and gloom portrayed by news- papers andrepparttar 124109 media and transfer it to their own daily living. Attitude clouds verything that happens to you and how you react to situations, crises, etc.

Your attitude is your perception of an event- it is your reality. You may perceive a certain situation to be a disaster, while another person may see it differently, as a positive oppor- tunity for trying something new: e.g.. on redundancy or job loss or loss of a relationship.

As we have seen, one's attitude is closely related to your self-image and it is probablyrepparttar 124110 most critical factor in deter- mining how successful or how happy you will be in life. The inner attitude you have about yourself will determine your level of success far more thanrepparttar 124111 skills and training you have ever received.


Personally, due to a traumatic event some years ago, my self-image was severely knocked, which impacted on my attitude for quite a length of time. This was passed onto my wife, who suffered a severe emotional crisis. Our neg- ative attitudes, together with extraneous circumstances, made life very difficult and stressful, leading to misjudge- ments, personal trauma and an inability to make decisions.

However, entirely on our own, we have lifted ourselves and bit by bit, regained our normal positive attitudes, which has enabled us to achieve wonders and a happy life- style.


Your thoughts become your beliefs, and your thoughts determine whether "good" (positive), or "bad" (negative) messages are sent fromrepparttar 124112 brain torepparttar 124113 rest of your body. There is a complex relationship betweenrepparttar 124114 mind andrepparttar 124115 body. Physical disorders are caused by your state of mind. What you think can literally make you sick or healthy. The attitude you hold about yourself can give rise to feel- ings of joy, despair, anger, rage, etc. and can even cause heart disease, asthma, and ulcers known as psychosomatic illnesses).

The attitude you hold about yourself also affects your relation- ships with other people. After a divorce, when a person's confidence is at a low level and they may feel a failure, they are more likely to die of certain medical disorders (because their mental powers of resistance and self-esteem are low).

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