Written by ARTHUR ZULU

Title: WHERE CAN I PUBLISH MY BOOK? (PART 2) Author: Arthur Zulu Contact Author: mailto: controversialwriter@yahoo.com Copyright: Copyright © Arthur Zulu 2002 Word Count: 402 Web Address: http://www.1stbooks.com/bookview/10975

Publishing Guidelines: Permission is granted to publish this article electronically or in print as long asrepparttar bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.



Arthur Zulu

Let’s illustrate this point further. Do you know Jerzy Kosinski’s THE THIRTY – NINE STEPS? Yes, one writer had that best – seller typed, and submitted, as a manuscript by a new writer, and waited for an answer. And what reply did he get? Allrepparttar 129439 trade publishers rejected it. Allrepparttar 129440 agents told him, “no way’”. And to worstrepparttar 129441 experiment, Random House which originally publishedrepparttar 129442 book, threw it out as an insignificant book. Yet, this was a National Book Award Winner.

Even, some other best- sellers were “randomly” rejected. Like THE JUNGLE by Upton Sinclair. Like Thomas Paine’s COMMON SENSE. Like MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION by Lloyd C. Douglas. Do you now understand what I mean when I say you should not go to them? But you have another chance.

Subsidy Publishers Also known as private or commission publishers, subsidy publishers are a better choice; if you can pay to get your book published. And they pay higher commission or royalties, thanrepparttar 129443 trade publishers. They include Vantage Press, Minerva Press and Avon Books.

Now, paying for book publication has a long history. Many great writers started that way. Edward Fitzgerald financedrepparttar 129444 publication of his monumental work, THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. Thomas Gray paid to publish his classic, ELEGY. And what about Edgar Allan Poe? He sponsoredrepparttar 129445 printing ofrepparttar 129446 book of all times, TAMERLANE AND OTHER POEMS. And Leo Tolstoy doled out money to pay forrepparttar 129447 publication ofrepparttar 129448 best novel on earth, WAR AND PEACE.


Written by ARTHUR ZULU

Title: WHERE CAN I PUBLISH MY BOOK? (PART 3) Author: Arthur Zulu Contact Author: mailto: controversialwriter@yahoo.com Copyright: Copyright © Arthur Zulu 2002 Word Count: 426 Web Address: http://www.1stbooks.com/bookview/10975

Publishing Guidelines: Permission is granted to publish this article electronically or in print as long asrepparttar bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.



Arthur Zulu

Did I say exciting? Yes, of course. The world had been dragging until some whiz kids got their magic boxes together and said: “Letrepparttar 129437 computers be connected!” And there camerepparttar 129438 Internet. Andrepparttar 129439 dot com bomb. So, atrepparttar 129440 touch ofrepparttar 129441 button, you haverepparttar 129442 world at your feet. Isn’t that exciting?

You,repparttar 129443 writer has so much to gain fromrepparttar 129444 Internet. You can do your research there, read all kinds of books, and dorepparttar 129445 ultimate –- publish onrepparttar 129446 Internet.

I am not going to do a dissertation here because I do not know so much aboutrepparttar 129447 subject (pardon my ignorance.) I even understand that there is going to be a “new” kind of Internet, soon (pity me.)

The first thing I will tell you though, is that dragons live there. The second is that many dot com companies are closing shop. Andrepparttar 129448 third is that there is no hidden secret to success inrepparttar 129449 net than hard work, as in real life. (Is Internet not real?) The fourth is thatrepparttar 129450 Internet is your shortcut to success. Do you want to find out? Why not visitrepparttar 129451 experts as you read on.

Two publishing opportunities are open to you onrepparttar 129452 Internet. What are they, you may ask.

E- BOOK PUBLISHERS Just as you haverepparttar 129453 traditional publishers, so you haverepparttar 129454 E- book publishers. But be careful! Many of them out there don’t know what they are doing. And remember, you are going to do business with someone you don’t see. So you will have to ascertainrepparttar 129455 credibility of your publisher.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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