Written by Garrett Sutton, Esq. and Kathy Spitzer, Esq.

It's probablyrepparttar most frequently-asked question that we hear from entrepreneurs, both experienced and those just getting their feet wet. So, we've put together this report to help you make that selection. Hopefully this information will allow you to make a more informed decision aboutrepparttar 103728 entity that is right for your business. But don't despair if you don't see your business fitting into any ofrepparttar 103729 models set out below -- we also offer a service where your business structure is reviewed and you are provided with our opinion as torepparttar 103730 best entity in your situation. And, because in many cases,repparttar 103731 company structure you choose will be based on how it will pay taxes, our top-level review will have your business plan run past a CPA, to make sure all of your options are reviewed. We can also review your existing business structure and offer our suggestions for maximizing your strategy. A review of entities follows: Sub-Chapter "S" Corporations ("S Corp") An S Corp is a great entity for a beginning business that: • will provide a service; • does not have significant start-up costs; • will not need to make major equipment purchases before beginning operations; • will make a sizable amount of money without a great deal of effort and expense; and • expected growth of no more than 75 shareholders, who will all be people who living inrepparttar 103732 United States or who file a U.S. Resident tax return. An S-Corp is structurallyrepparttar 103733 same as a C corporation (i.e., it has officers, directors and shareholders), but with one key difference. An S Corp files an election withrepparttar 103734 IRS, called a Form 2553, that provides it with a flow-through tax structure as found in entities such as partnerships and limited liability companies. That means,repparttar 103735 company's income (and corresponding expenses, write-offs and deductions) will flow through to its shareholders, and be split among them according to each shareholder's ownership percentage. The S Corp's taxes will actually be paid by its shareholders, at their individual tax rates, and in proportion to their individual ownership percentages. From a taxation standpoint, an S Corp is a great fit for a company that offers a service, because in many casesrepparttar 103736 revenues can be split and paid torepparttar 103737 shareholders in two categories: salary and passive earnings. A flow-through tax structure means thatrepparttar 103738 profits and corresponding losses, deductions and expenses are divided up amongrepparttar 103739 shareholders, in proportion to their ownership percentages, and reported on each shareholder's personal income tax return. Therefore, if your income from an S Corp is split into two streams, salary and passive, each stream will be taxed differently. Your salary stream will be subject to both income tax and payroll taxes such as medicare and social security. However,repparttar 103740 passive income stream will be subject only to income tax. So, by taking a reasonable salary fromrepparttar 103741 S Corp your tax bracket would be lower than if you were take your entire share ofrepparttar 103742 earnings as salary, andrepparttar 103743 remaining share would flow through to you as passive income, and would also be taxed at this lower rate. An S Corp is also a great entity for businesses with low start-up costs, that do not have to purchase a significant amount of assets to begin operations. For example, buying a working laundromat would be an excellent choice for an S Corp. You are purchasing a turnkey business - it's already operating, and you aren't going to be laying out significant cash to get it up and running. So, you will have a pretty good income stream immediately, and that income stream can best be disbursed to you and your partners, if any, throughrepparttar 103744 S Corp structure. Two other great matches for an S Corp are network-marketing and Internet-only businesses. In each case,repparttar 103745 business is likely to have no storefront, low operating costs, and probably doesn't maintain a warehouse. Most network marketing and Internet-only businesses drop-ship from their suppliers directly torepparttar 103746 end consumer when they are delivering products at all. Again, as these can be high-income, low cost operations, they work great inrepparttar 103747 S Corp structure. Here's another reason we suggest S Corps for many service-oriented businesses -- To avoid being characterized as a Personal Service Corporation, or "PSC" byrepparttar 103748 IRS. PSCs are C corporations that are classified byrepparttar 103749 IRS as providing a service, such as consulting, torepparttar 103750 general public. Now, as you may know,repparttar 103751 United States government, in an effort to boostrepparttar 103752 economy and keep business working, assesses C corporations with a pretty low initial rate - 15% on earnings up to $50,000. That's quite a bit lower than you would pay personally, if you were receiving that same $50,000 as salary. And, that 15% rate is also lower than you would pay if your business was an S Corp. So, to head offrepparttar 103753 anticipated

The 7 Traits of an Exceptional and Successful Entrepreneur

Written by Robert Moment

The 7 Traits of an Exceptional & Successful Entrepreneur

By Robert Moment © 2004

How often have you either referred to or consideredrepparttar expression, “Success is a journey and not a Destination?” Probably many times, yet often being in a hurry to get there, we forget that success is not an end unto itself, but is instead an ongoing process.

Though some people seem to haverepparttar 103727 Midas touch and easily turn everything to gold, most of us have to give our endeavors lots of time, effort andrepparttar 103728 sweat of our brow before seeing things come to fruition. The simple truth is thatrepparttar 103729 majority of us are simply not born leaders, but become leaders by who we are andrepparttar 103730 actions we take. Consequently, whether or not you’re an established entrepreneur or just starting out on your journey, there are particular traits you’ll usually find operating withinrepparttar 103731 exceptional entrepreneur. In fact there are 7 particular traits you’ll generally discover deeply embedded withinrepparttar 103732 exceptional and successful businessperson.

If you’ve already takenrepparttar 103733 plunge as an entrepreneur, you know that it takes a great deal of planning, development and strategic marketing to succeed. At any given time, there are changes to be considered and new directions to examine. In which case, whether you’rerepparttar 103734 CEO, CFO, Chief Marketer or Chief Solutions Officer of your company, your journey to success is probably full of trials and tribulations.

To support you in your journey to success, be willing to open your mind and sense of reasoning as you consider whether these traits are part of your driving force. If they are not yet ingrained within you, I recommend that you give them some thought.


1) Successful Entrepreneurs Gainrepparttar 103735 Respect of their Peers One ofrepparttar 103736 first and most obvious characteristics you’ll see operating in an exceptional entrepreneur is an equitable and unbiased disposition . Plain and simplerepparttar 103737 successful entrepreneur recognizes that no one is above or below. With an attitude of respect for others,repparttar 103738 successful entrepreneur gainsrepparttar 103739 respect from everyone they encounter. Strategies, attitudes and methods filter down to each person and reflect on all actions and activities. A successful entrepreneur gives everyonerepparttar 103740 space to be great. No matter how effective or beneficial your expertise, becoming a successful entrepreneur requires building up of your character muscles, traits and habits, which correspondingly make your dreams a reality.

2) Successful Entrepreneurs Believe and Trust in Themselves

The savvy entrepreneur is good at trusting his or her own ideas and instincts. Starting out as an entrepreneur requires persistence, determination and a high level of self-discipline. Continuing as a successful entrepreneur requires even more persistence, determination and self-discipline. The wise and successful entrepreneur knows this and works hard at developing their level of confidence. If you have a strong code of ethics and believe in yourself, then your ideas can work. Havingrepparttar 103741 desire and passion arerepparttar 103742 first steps on your journey; getting there requires believing in yourself.

3) Successful Entrepreneurs Follow a Plan

The successful entrepreneur follows a plan. Haphazard or trial and error have no place forrepparttar 103743 triumphant entrepreneur, for no one gets to his or her destination without a map or a guide to follow. That doesn’t mean you won’t go off course if another road seems better, but it’s still more effective to have a plan in place. Most successful entrepreneurs start out by writing a basic business plan that acts asrepparttar 103744 impetus and guide for their endeavors. It doesn’t have to be fancy or lengthy but it should include marketing strategies, goals, intentions, ideas and why you can do better than your competition. A business plan should be reviewed and updated periodically for each new idea stirs and inspires other ideas.

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