Written by Craig Lock

PLAGIARISM: Wow . What a big word, like "marmalade". Hope I spelt it correctly!

PLAGIARISM is deliberately copying someone else's work and putting your name to it. A couple of years ago, there was a celebrated case in my former homeland, South Africa. A university lecturer had copied extracts from American author, Joseph Leyleveld's excellent book, MOVE YOUR SHADOW. ( An excellent book, byrepparttar way!). A big extract was taken word for word and he was discovered (and was forced to resign his prestigious position). Naughty naughty!

Plagiariasm seems to be quite prevalent amongst songwriters, like George Michael, but bet there are many writers too. "Prima donnas"!

A final few words in summary onrepparttar 129898 subject of plagiarism... When deciding whether you are perhaps infringing copyright and/or plagiarism, ask yourself this question:

1. "If I wasrepparttar 129899 author, how would I feel about someone 'copying my hard-worked for writing' "? Sometimes "word-for-word".

2. "Hasrepparttar 129900 writer made a genuine effort to put repparttar 129901 material into his/her own words?" and

3. "Has he/she just copied or borrowed my ideas and other points from my writing?"

I think "imitation isrepparttar 129902 sincerest form of flattery"! Still don't plagiarise my work, please!


DEFAMATION (not a bodily function - OOPS, ER ! ).. but if you do, you will soon be really deep inrepparttar 129903 "rich brown stuff". Always keep a good name. Avoid libel suits (must replace mine somedayrepparttar 129904 lot/financial fortunes ofrepparttar 129905 writer!). Never defame anyone in your writing, especially after they've "fallen off their perch" (ie. after they are deceased - thanks Monty Python). As writers we are very privileged people, who can directly influence public opinion. Most other people don't haverepparttar 129906 opportunity to defend themselves throughrepparttar 129907 avenue of publicly written words. So it's a heavy responsibility we writers have to conveyrepparttar 129908 truth (is that subjective or absolute? - that's an entire essay in itself). Well our opinion of it, anyway .


Written by Craig Lock

Thought I'd share a bit about using press releases as an internet marketing tool, based on our recent experiences.

We at Eagle Productions (NZ) have done quite a bit of research on press release services recently and we use them here frequently to "spreadrepparttar word" about our various sites and activities from here in far-off New Zealand to our biggest market (by far), Americans. >From this we find doing press releases to be quite effective.

While it's hard to quantifyrepparttar 129895 precise results of press releases, one thing just seems to lead to another (and usually leads to valuable "contacts and exposure" - "exciting, naughty and nice!")...and I do find submitting them to be a most effective form of advertising inrepparttar 129896 "on and off-line world". Together with submitting my articles to announcement lists, like Article Announce, Free Content and Publish in Yours. That is our MAIN internet marketing strategy.

A quick word of advice in writing press releases...It is vital thatrepparttar 129897 press release about your business is newsworthy and try to capture attention with a good "catchy" headline. Make it "spicy and add 'zing' (like KFC) to make it sizzle!"

Also you can send your news release by "snail mail" or by e-mail. I do all my submissions to these services via e-mail.

Recently we've had a number of releases about our activities here onrepparttar 129898 other side ofrepparttar 129899 world published by PR Web, which is a free service ("cheapskate"!)... and traffic to our sites mentioned has increased substantially already. Their address is: http://www.prweb.com.

Incidentally, we have two releases "up there" at:


and http://www.prweb.com/releases/2000/prweb18497.htm

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